Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Location: Central California Office of Books and Such
After a week of talking nonfiction let’s share some of the nonfiction books that we love. You can just list them or you can tell us why they made your list.
Here are a few of mine:
- Books that changed my life: Prayer by Richard Foster, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
- Books I will reread often over the course of my life: Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle, Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott
- Devotionals I keep going back to: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, Magnificent Prayer by Nick Harrison
- Idea books: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
So tell us about yours. . .
Samantha Bennett
I’m a huge Max Lucado fan. His books are refreshing, challenging, and encouraging–all at the same time. Way to go, Max. Way to go.
sally apokedak
JI Packer’s Knowing God
well…everything he’s ever written, really.
The Discipline of Grace, by Jerry Bridges (and, again, I like all his books).
Anything by CS Lewis but I particularly loved Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce.
well…they’re not really nonfiction, I guess.
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, by Philip Keller
The Holiness of God, by RC Sproul
Night of Weeping, by Horatius Bonar
The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom
Born Again, Chuck Colson
I also have several writing books I love and re-read, but I think my favorite is:
Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass.
LeAnne Hardy
I have found myself coming back to Dan Taylor’s Tell Me a Story; The Life-shaping Power of Our Stories. It’s about how the stories we hear and tell shape how we think of ourselves, and how to begin rewriting our stories.
Lisa Harman
The Jesus I Never Knew, The Bible Jesus Read, Whats So Amazing About Grace, all by Yancey.
Just finished Mary DeMuth’s new memoir, Thin Places. Great stuff.
Heaven by Randy Alcorn
Wanda Rosseland
Like you, Wendy, Richard Foster’s “Prayer, finding the heart’s true home” is one of my favorite books. Such wisdom and spirit.
About every three or four years I have to read over “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale. It’s such good solid basics that never grow old.
Thank you for this enjoyable series on nonfiction.
Rev Ed Hird
This has been a most helpful week of focus ing on non-fiction, Wendy. I have learned a lot. CS Lewis’ books always speak to me. Leanne Payne’s book, influenced by CS Lewis, are always worth my time.
You motivated me to check out Malcolm Gladding. I enjoyed his concepts like the 10,000 hour guide and why Asians are good at math, but was not overly impressed by his writing style. His speaking on video, in contrast, was fascinating .
Ed Hird+
Thin Places but it’s a memoir. Touching, tragic, triumphant.
Love and Respect by Emerson Eggrich. Gut-level, scriptural, real.
Very short list for me and non-fiction.
Max Lucado’s FEARLESS is now one of those “life-changing” books for me.