Blogger: Rachel Kent
Location: Books & Such main office, Santa Rosa, Calif.
In the past three years of agenting, I’ve figured out what is enjoyable and what is hard for me. I’d like to share both with you, but I think I’ll start with the “bad” and then tomorrow we can celebrate the “good.”
Three of the hardest parts of agenting for me:
1) Speaking at conferences. I hear fear of public speaking is a common phobia. 🙂 This is getting easier the more I do it, but I am introverted so this wasn’t something I looked forward to as an agent. Now I can say that I’m glad to have the opportunities to speak and to learn, and I always appreciate feedback from my audience.
2) Reading has become more for work than for pleasure. I find it hard to read after work because I read so much at work. I used to read two books per week, sometimes more, but now I’m lucky to finish one “pleasure read” per month. I wanted to work in publishing because of my love for books and reading. Overall I’m probably reading more than I used to because of the height of my reading stack at work, but very little of it is at home on my own time. It’s also strange to not be able to discuss what I read with other people simply because they can’t read the unpublished story I would like to discuss. I guess that’s one goal of my job: I want to get these books into the hands of readers!
3) Working things out when an author or publisher is in breach of contract. This is one I haven’t had to deal with all that much (praise be!), but as a person who’s drawn to peaceful relationships, I hate it when people are angry with each other. I believe I do well as a mediator, but I wish that everything was always peaceful, calm and happy for each party involved.
None of these makes me want to give up. I know I still have lots to learn in areas 1 and 3, and I think I’ll adapt to the change in my reading habits someday. 🙂 I look forward to growing as an agent and to working to be better at my job each day.
What’s one of the hardest parts of your job as a writer?
The waiting. Impatience is one of my worst traits, and I hate waiting but I know I still have a lot to learn.
B.R. Paulson
I think that the hardest part (aside from rejection) is the solitary factor. When you work in an office or even from home in a telecommuting position, you have feedback of some kind continually pushing you onward.
Writing is singular. Even with a terrific support group and crit group, you still have to sit down and face the white page on your PC. The words have to come from your head in some sort of pattern that will appeal to readers and hopefully sell. This makes it difficult but a challenge. Noone knows what exactly it’s like unless it’s another author – even the spouse doesn’t quite “get it”.
Great posts!
Lynn Rush
Great post. I always wondered how much agents/editors read outside work since they read so much at work. I know it would be hard for me.
Hardest parts of my job as a writer? Hmmm….since I’m “pre-pubbed” I’d say the hardest thing for me right now is waiting to hear from the editors who’ve requested fulls from my agent. I think that’s really it. I bet when/if I get a publishing contract my list of hardest parts of being a writer will change a little 🙂
Thanks for the post. Have a great day.
Lynn Dean
Hardest part of my job as a writer is my other jobs that take so much time from writing, but they’re the ones that are paying the bills at present. Writing gets squeezed into my personal time, and anyone who’s been a working wife and mother knows about how much there isn’t of that. Fortunately, writing is what I’d most prefer to do, so when there is free time, I’m always delighted to spend it that way. 🙂
One of the hardest things is that when I write for others, I quit writing for myself. During the last year, I shifted from a freelance writer to a PR professional. I’m writing – and reading – quite a bit more now. I start my day off reading blogs. Keeping up with Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites drains my creative juice. When I get home, I’m too tired to create!
Thanks for sharing your struggles. It’s insightful to see what can be difficult in each profession.
For me, the hardest part is just having confidence in my writing. I’m always doubting my ability which in turn hinders my creativity and growth.
Tart and Soul
The overwhelming desire to publish is the hardest part of being a writer, for me and all the writers I know. Publishing is the brass ring and sometimes wanting it so bad clouds our vision and stops us from focusing on the work.
I’ve spent the last couple years trying to get a book published (and just may be on my way), but I miss the center of my creative life being the joy of actually writing a book.
Lindsay Franklin
I definitely relate to Lynn Dean’s answer. Most of my waking hours are spent homeschooling, cooking, paying bills, and running a household. Thankfully, my husband is very supportive of my writing aspirations and gives me lots of alone time to talk to the voices in my head… er, my characters, I mean. 😉
I actually like the solitary aspect of writing. I think that’s why the hands-down hardest part for me was learning to be comfortable sharing my work. I shook like a leaf the first time I emailed an early version of my manuscript to my sister for her perusal… and that was my sister! But over the years (and with a bit of prayer), I’ve learned to let go of the fear of judgment. My work is still “my baby,” but I want my baby to grow up. That has to involve listening to outside, objective opinions and being willing to recognize all the areas that have room for growth. It’s actually a very freeing place to be, but getting there was difficult!
By the way Rachel, the workshop I sat in that you taught about queries was very enjoyable and helpful. You’re a good speaker! 🙂
James Andrew Wilson
Hardest part of being a writer:
Making words from letters, making sentences from words, making paragraphs from sentences, making books from ideas, making it all make sense and be any good.
Jill Kemerer
I went through a phase where it was hard for me to read for pleasure. I’d immersed myself in books on the writing craft, gotten discouraged about my own writing, and exhausted the back lists of my favorite authors. This went on for six months or so.
One day I made of list of things that make me happy, and reading was near the top.
So I decided to read a few childhood favorites. That got me going! I started reading other genres and classics. With each book, I reclaimed the joy of reading and it didn’t take long before I headed back to the romance section. Now, I make a point to order any book that looks intriguing, even if I have to read it one chapter at a time and it takes me two weeks!
I hope you can find a way to read for pleasure again, but I understand it would be tough since you read all day. Reading has always been such a blessing to me.
Kalina Converse
I love your topics this week! Sometimes it’s hard to see the other side from where we are standing and it’s helpful to hear your point of views and struggles.
I joined a book club a while back and had to stop going because I realized that reading had turned into more work than pleasure. Reading is only fun when it’s something you’re interested in, otherwise it feels like that dreaded homework assignment you have to get done during those high school and college years. 🙂 I hope you get more interesting stuff on your desk than boring stuff.
Doubt is, by far, the hardest thing for me. Every part of the process is filled with questions that you don’t always get answers to. Is the writing strong enough? Are there any holes? Will the query stand out? Is the agent a good fit? It’s hard having confidence when there are so many unanswered questions. I believe in the power of positive thinking and sometimes that’s not the easiest thing in the writing field.
Salena Stormo
I understand the stress of finding time to write. I love to write more than anything but I am working and a single mom so it gets squeezed in late at night when everyone is asleep. It is worth it though. I feel whole when I am writing.
Cecelia Dowdy
I echo Chelsey’s thoughts. The waiting is horrible! I’m waiting to hear about a submission. I’ve been published with his particular publisher before, but it was a long time ago. Usually, they reject me within a few weeks, or a month, tops! They’ve had the submission for almost four months now! I don’t know if this is good or bad? I guess they’re just busy! I do know the editor has received it because I spoke with her at ACFW and she verified that they’d gotten it!
Rejection’s pretty bad, too. But, I’ve found that over the years, my skin toughens and rejection doesn’t hurt as much.
Rachel Kent
Salena, Lindsay and Lynn Dean there are so many moms out there who are struggling to find time for their writing. I bet you had a bunch of authors reading your comments and nodding in agreement.
Jill, I hope I didn’t make it sound like I don’t find the reading that I do for my job to be enjoyable. I enjoy many of the manuscripts I read and I’m blessed by many of them.
Morgan L. Busse
The hardest part of writing for me can be when I go through a period of doubt: doubt that I can write and doubt that I should be doing this (when there are so many things screaming my name lol). That’s when the DELETE Button looks really tempting 🙂
I am blessed with a great husband who cheers me on during those times and reminds me to put my writing back into God’s hands.
Jill Kemerer
You did not give that impression at all. I just know how hard it is to find time to read for pleasure, and like you stated, when you read all day, it’s hard to pick up a book on your off hours.
I’m enjoying reading everyone’s comments. Working, single, parent, whatever–everyone clearly dedicates time and energy to writing.
Sarah Sundin
Congratulations on your three-year anniversary!! Woo hoo!
For me, the hardest part about being a writer is all the non-writing things I have to do to remain a writer. Yes, publicity is necessary and I love connecting with readers, but promotion still leaves a bad taste in my mouth – and it keeps me from my stories. Easiest part of being a writer – working with Rachel 🙂
Brenda Jackson
A couple hardest parts: Even as a writer it’s hard to read for pleasure. But the hardest part is missing the time to sit down and think big thoughts—to dream and scheme stories with the chains off and the time to ruminate. I just keep feeling if I had more time I could write deeper. Maybe that’s just a myth, but that’s how it feels.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the solitude of writing!
Rachel’s right; I’m one of those nodding my head in agreement with all of you writing mothers out there. A supportive spouse is SO incredibly important to continue writing.
I’m with Lindsay on actually enjoying the solidarity aspect of writing. But, I also came from teaching over 900 students in public school and spending my days with my son. So, a little quiet and reflective time that comes with writing is a bonus for me.
Doubt can also be an issue, whether it be in my writing skills or in the reactions of others. But, I also can doubt whether I should be sending a message out or not. At these points, I need to do my best in sharing His love and light and just lift it to God to share my words as He sees fit. Then patience and trust comes into play there.
Rachel, thank you for sharing your struggles as an agent.
Judith Robl
Supportive spouse…. Back in the 1970s I told my husband I wanted to be a writer, and he told me he supported that idea. So after the children and he were in bed, I’d set up the card table in the living room, get out my trusty Smith-Corona with the correction cartridge that plugged in from the right, and start typing. Within fifteen minutes, he’d be standing over my shoulder, “what are you writing? Tell me about it. How soon will you be finished?” This went on for weeks – so I simply gave it up.
Now that my children are adults with families and empty nests, I have more time. He still goes to bed early, and I have time to write. Since my devotional gift book is being published early next year, my writing has come up a notch or two on his priorities. And it only took forty years to get him adjusted.
Hold on to your writing dreams, whoever you are. Persistence will win out every time.
Melissa K Norris
Time is a big one. I’d say the waiting is the hardest. I’ve never been a patient person and I have to laugh that God gifted me w/ the gift of writing. He does have a sense of humor. 🙂
Doubt is also one that likes to creep in. When this happens, the Lord reminds me that He is my ultimate agent. I have to remember to trust in Him fully.
A good writing/critique partner is crucial too. I’ve been blessed with a great one.
Thanks for sharing.
Janet Ann Collins
I’m with Sarah. The pressure of doing marketing and promotion takes a lot of time away from writing.
Salena Stormo
Judith, thank you for the encouraging words to all the writers out there, including myself. Congrats on the publishing of your book!!! I bet that feels GREAT! 🙂