Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
While today we memorialize those who sacrificed their lives for our country and recall other loved ones who have passed away, I thought this would also be a good day to remember a touchstone writerly memory. I’m going to share a watershed moment in my publishing career and then give each of you an opportunity to add a remembrance of God’s goodness to you as you pursued your writing dreams.
My publishing career began with a bang, literally. I slammed shut the door, cast my eyes up to heaven, and silently proclaimed, God, at the tender age of 21, you have ruined my life.
That was the day I received my assignment as a new staff member of Campus Crusade for Christ (now renamed Cru). When you join Cru, you agree that you’ll go wherever you are assigned. After a summer of Bible training, new staff members received their assignments in envelopes, and we pledged not to talk to anyone but God about our assignment for 24 hours. I became a part of Cru because I wanted to work on a college campus, but that’s not what my envelope contained. Instead, I was assigned to the publications department.
I believed that assignment doomed me to failure. While I had majored in English in college, I had done no writing beyond required essays and some poetry. That didn’t prepare me to write brochures, magazine and newspaper articles, do actual reporting (eek!), or write video scripts.
As I moaned to God about my destroyed life, I realized that I had to raise my support. Surely, if God didn’t want me in the publications department, the support wouldn’t come in, right?
So I headed back to my family’s home in Colorado and worked at finding people who would support my work in the publications department. When I met with individuals, I had quite a spiel about the multiplied effect writing could have for the kingdom as opposed to talking to people about Christ one-to-one.
But I had no confidence I was the person to do that writing. Every night, when I went to bed, I’d tell myself, You are a writer, you are a writer, you are a writer.
When I’d awaken in the morning, my first thought would be, I’m not a writer, I’m just not!
Well, the required amount of support came in; so I trudged off to Cru’s headquarters in Southern California’s San Bernardino Mountains. I received wonderful mentoring from everyone in the department, with the head of the department, Judy Douglass (now wife of Cru’s president), always affirming me. (Not that I ever hinted to Judy about my insecurities.) Every time I finished an assignment, I would wait several hours to turn it in because I figured this would be the project that convinced Judy I wasn’t suited to work in publications after all.
But she never intimated that my work was inferior. Instead, I kept getting assignments, and eventually I became more confident that maybe I could write.
Then, one day, as I was tapping out an article, I looked out my office’s window at the eucalyptus trees. But in that moment, I didn’t see the tree grove. Instead, I saw me as a little girl who yearned to achieve two goals: 1) to read all the books in the library (okay, that wasn’t going to happen); and 2) to be a writer. I read voraciously, and I wrote a novel every summer and set my sights on winning a Pulitzer Prize (okay that wasn’t going to happen).
The memory of my childhood longings swept through me, and I wept. I had become such a lost little lamb, I had forgotten what I loved in life–reading and writing. But God knew that he had instilled those loves in me, and he remained faithful to how he created me. He didn’t ruin my life the day I was handed that envelope with my assignment in it; instead he was unfurling for me a lifetime of working with words. That day, God didn’t bestow a curse on me; he bestowed a blessing.
Now, it’s your turn. Tell us about a time God affirmed your call to write and to work toward being published.
For Memorial Day, recount a special moment in your writing journey. Click to tweet.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Simple answer, quite recent.
It was on the day I received an encouraging e-card signed by many of the participants in this blog. Dealing with an unforgiving disease bearing a grim prognosis, I sometimes find it hard to go on, but knowing that there are lives with whom I interact for good (and for God) makes the effort worthwhile.
Our writing is like the ripples made by a stone tossed into a pond, forever radiating outward, and almost never for us to see…unless they are intentionally reflected back.
I was overwhelmed on that day, and the feelings of gratitude and humility are still fresh. I hope they remain evergreen.
If I may, I’d like to ask that we also remember the paramilitary contractors that stand in the gap in places our government prefers not to acknowledge, and in conflicts whose cruelty can put faith in the balance. Like the Wild Geese of Eire, they give their swords for a purse, and their hearts for a cause.
Perhaps Housman said it best –
“These in the day when Heaven was falling,
the hour when Earth’s foundations fled,
followed their mercenary calling
and took their wages, and are dead.
“Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
they stood, and Earth’s foundations stay.
What God abandoned, these defended
and saved the sum of things for pay.”
But Housman got it wrong. He didn’t abandon; He sent the best He had, and in too many cases had to welcome them home before their time.
And many of these were my friends.
Janet Grant
Thank you, Andrew for expanding the boundaries of our memorializing today.
Kristen Joy Wilks
Two years ago when a friend paid for me to attend the ACFW conference in Dallas. I went hoping that my friend would win the Genesis and that I would make a contact that would sell my manuscript. But what I received there was a wonderful critique partner whose red pen has improved my writing by lightyears and a call to start a blog for the little Bible camp where my husband works. Important things that I never would have picked.
Janet Grant
It’s surprising how often another person’s unexpected generosity makes all the difference to a writer. Thanks for telling us about such an event in your life, Kristen.
Jeanne Takenaka
Since the time I was a girl, I wanted to be a writer. As a teen, when I read a “forbidden” book, I also realized how much it took to be good enough to write a book. Characters? Dialogue? Settings? Plot? I didn’t have enough creativity to know how to craft a story good enough to publish! So, I set my writing dreams on the very back shelf in my mind.
Four years ago, when my husband and I were at a couple’s retreat, the name of a character, and a story idea popped into my mind. I wrote it down in the middle of the session. Other ideas to add to the story also came to mind. I prayed over this for about a month, and then I shared this crazy-wild idea with a good friend, who’s also an author. She told me, “You need to write this story.” One part of me leapt with excitement, while the other part of me cringed in fear. Could I do it?
I began reading all I could online about crafting a story. I wrote it. It will probably remain in a drawer, but I WROTE IT.
That story idea and the words of my friend set me on a path toward publication that I would never have pursued on my own. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to follow a dream I believe God planted within me as a girl.
Jeanne Takenaka
PS—I loved reading your story, Janet, and learning a bit more about you. I guess we have Colorado in common. 🙂
Janet Grant
And thank you for sharing the germ of your writing beginnings, Jeanne. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Colorado.
Kim Fletter
Thank you – I love hearing other’s stories about how God has worked. It’s so refreshing! God prompted me to write while at my GYN’s office. I had just lost my soulmate & husband after 31yrs. of a wonderful marriage to a devastating 23 month cancer journey. While at my GYN’s office, I spotted a book called “Boobs.” After inquiring about it, God prompted, “Write a book! You’ve been telling everyone how I worked in your lives & trial.” I said “Okay, I can do that Lord.” A month later I was sitting in a coffee house waiting for a friend who was going to be late & He nudged, “What are you waiting for? Start writing!” I opened my folio & He gave me all 22 chapters in 15 minutes & I haven’t changed one. I asked, “Lord, I don’t want the book to speak cancer only, limiting the audience, as I want others to hear your story. Can you give me the title to widen our audience?” He did! It’s called, Love, Life, and the Shadow of Death. While writing the chapter titles I left a 2″ space in between the chapters for the chap. contents. I’m so glad I filled the outline out, because it was a great help when I starting writing again after 7 yrs. After joining a book club, many edits (self & professionally) it is finally completed & I just uploaded it to my indie publisher. I am so thankful for all that the Lord has done to make this happen, even through our pain & trial; but more importantly, I am thankful for the lives that will be forever changed by it and added to God’s Book of Life. Praise His Holy Name! 2 Corin. 1:3-4
Terrance Austin
Thank you for your testimony Janet.
I remember one day thinking because GOD told me to write for his kingdom, I ignorantly thought that meant he would do everything for me. Give me the perfect platform, send the best literary agent my way and give me a Houdini type self publishing strategy. And to this day, he speaks volumes to me with these words dropping deep into my heart. (FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. AND JUST BECAUSE HE WILL BLESS IT, DOESN’T MEAN I WON’T HAVE TO WORK HARD AT IT. ON THE CONTRARY, IF I DON’T WORK HARD, LEARN, AND BE DILIGENT INSTEAD OF COMPLACENT, IT WOULD NEVER COME TO PASS.
Now I’ve learned that I must work hard at this GOD GIVING gift just as much so, because GOD himself gave it to me. No more foolish thinking that “GOD WILL DO IT” while I sit around watching television all the time.
Again, Thank you Janet,
and may GOD continue to bless Books & Such. 🙂
Janet Grant
Terrance, isn’t that often true of God’s callings? We expect it to be kind of magical and easy, when in actuality, the calling is to work hard and faithfully regardless how people respond to our work.
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
I’ve always, always been a reader. It’s a sanctioned and encouraged form of escape from the ills and ails of the world.
When I was pregnant with #1, I got toxemia(pre-eclampsia), and was incredibly sick, and Baby was just as sick. I was on bed-rest for a month. All I could do was read. 5 or 6 books a week. Hubs would ask me my thoughts on each book, and I’d tell him. After a while, he’d say, “You could write better ones than that.” Uh huh. Sure.
On December 26th, 2011, 21 years, and 21 days, after our daughter was born, weak but healthy, I decided to stop dreaming and start doing. I stayed up til 2am, then each night after that, it was 2, 3, 3:30am…
One night, I snuck into our room at 2am, and out of the darkness, my husband spoke…”WHAT are you doing on Facebook til 2am? Huh? You wanna tell me THAT?”
He was FURIOUS. Angry. HURT. And I could hear the accusations in his voice. I was ashambed, and I hadn’t done a thing wrong.
“Umm…I’m …uhh…not…umm…on Facebook.”
“Oh really? Then WHAT are you doing, HUH?”
Oh, Lord. I was so embarrassed. All the fear, the self doubt, all the “you’re nothing and never will be” voices mocked me, all alone in the darkness of our room, in the middle of the night. My heart was POUNDING.
“Well? Tell me, then, WHAT are you doing online at 2am?”
I stopped breathing.
“Well, it’s about time!”
The pride in in voice SLAYED me. He was almost laughing. He was excited!
Everything he said after that was a blur. I couldn’t hear a thing, because the sound of him giving me my wings was overwhelming.
Janet Grant
Jennifer, what a lovely story. Often a writer’s spouse is the unsung hero in his or her real-life story.
Selena Fulton
This beautiful story made me cry.
Oh, Jennifer! I love that! “Well, it’s about time!” I’m teary.
Chris Malkemes
I was encouraged by this true story. My husband believes in me and I thank him for it. I write from 3 in the morning until 6 and then I get a little cuddle time before our day starts.
That’s such an AWESOME story. 🙂
Jennifer Smith
Thanks for sharing, Janet! I loved reading your story.
I’ve known I wanted to write fiction novels since I was in the fourth grade. I wrote many (embarrassingly awful) novellas in junior high, I took a break in high school, and then I spent the next decade trying to get a book manuscript just right.
That hasn’t happened yet…But last year I started a blog that led to several writing opportunities I’d never considered and never dreamed I’d qualify for. I love being involved in those projects, but my dream is still to author novels.
I have a toddler of my own and another that I babysit — in addition to having several church obligations — and I can’t squeeze novel-writing in right now. But if the Lord tarries, I’m still determined to see that dream come true someday! 🙂
Janet Grant
When you’ve dreamed for that long, it only seems right that the dream should come true. All in God’s good timing, I’m sure.
Chris Malkemes
Remember His timing is always perfect. The Creator of Time is not subject to time.
Lindsay Harrel
Loved hearing your story, Janet! I’m sure I speak for all of us when we say we are so glad you listened to the Lord’s calling on your life!
As for me, I was one of those kids always creating “books”…aka, stapling together pieces of paper and filling the pages with short stories. I also was an editor on our high school literary magazine and an assistant editor on the yearbook my senior year. But for some reason, I decided that although it would be a dream to be a novelist someday, I didn’t have anything unique to say…and there was so much competition, it was overwhelming.
So I chose journalism for my college major. I figured I’d be a writer/editor, just not a novelist. Little did I know that’s one of the best degrees you can get if you want to be a novelist (write tight!). But God knew.
Then I worked as an editor/business writer for five years after college. During those years, I (1) read a ton of Christian fiction, a genre I hadn’t even known existed, and (2) I decided to get my master’s in English. My very first class was a fiction writing elective — I took it because there were no other sections of anything open! And I don’t think that was a coincidence.
Taking that class reminded me of my love for fiction. Like you, Janet, I’d stored my dream away and forgotten about it. But God wouldn’t let me. For the two years of my master’s, I dreamed about becoming a published author. I promised myself that as soon as I finished my degree (when I’d have more time), I’d start writing a book — in the genre I had grown to love, Christian fiction. I did…and my life has never been the same. I finally know what all that training and all that dreaming was for. I love that God lead me down this path, even when I didn’t know where it was headed.
Janet Grant
Lindsay, each of us just takes the next step in front of us, while God has his eye on the entire journey. What a comfort and blessing that is!
shelli littleton
My sister was the writer in our family. She won all the awards growing up. She is so creative.
My husband kept saying, “You need to write.” I’m not a writer, I’d tell myself. What would I write about? Then one afternoon, I was crying out to God over a situation in my life, and I felt God say over me, “Shelli, this is a gift.” I started writing. During the girls’ naptimes, I wrote. I stayed up late. I had so much to learn. But I handed my work off to a writing friend, who was published … that connection to her and sharing my book with her opened an opportunity for me to write for an on-line magazine for young women, interviewing missionaries. I loved it. I kept thinking that I was getting too old to write for “young women” … I received an email from the “hand-held” magazine editor asking me to write for her. She had been monitoring my work. I was so thrilled! Now I write for women of all ages.
After finally putting my book into print, I wanted more. The editing process on my book drew me in. And I am loving speaking on my book … while shaking in my boots.
I don’t know what the future holds … but I often wonder what I’m doing … I’m not the award winner in the family. I still ask God, “Where are we going?” But it is a cherished feeling knowing that God is using the little skill I have to help others, to share what others are doing for the Kingdom … in Malta, the Philippines, Indonesia. It’s a blessing. Each missionary I interview leaves a mark on my life.
My grandfather was in WWII. Charles Ray Stinson was shot in the shoulder peeking up out of a foxhole. An officer in the foxhole gave him his only pudding cup. That was all he had to eat for days. He survived to tell me the story! I shared some of his stories in my book, too! I couldn’t pass up that opportunity to pass on his legacy. He wasn’t even my biological grandfather, oh, but he was gold to me. He was mine. I miss him. What a reunion awaiting in Heaven!
Janet Grant
Shelli, I’m sure you resonated with my proclamations that I wasn’t a writer. God often chooses the one for a task that others think doesn’t make sense. I guess we both fall into that category.
Angela Brackeen
After reading your post earlier this morning, Janet, I had to go away and think about why I’ve chosen to write. That led me to think about why I’ve chosen to connect with agents within the Christian publishing industry.
I chose to write fiction for my debut work. I would never have chosen to write anything spiritual. I have always seen myself as a receiver of such knowledge, rather than one who passes it on. But that sort of writing seemed to chose me rather than me choosing it, because when I wrote, an unexpected spirituality came out.
Since Mary replied to a comment I made on her post last week about Henry Blackaby’s book, Experiencing God, I’ve been reading it as I can. It is much about God’s will for us.
Like you felt about writing when you were just starting out, I feel a bit reluctant to follow any leading to write about my own spiritual path in memoir. I’ve been waiting for a definite “Do this.” Because when I pray, I feel only peace, and as if all will happen as it should, leaving me in a place of inaction, or slow, bit-by-bit action.
This morning, as I woke from sleep, and thoughts of what to do were entering my consciousness, I saw an image of the earth from afar, and God’s finger touching it, touching the people on earth, and sending a rippling effect through them over the earth. I think this came from reading Henry Blackaby’s book. I’m not saying that anything I might write would create that sort of effect, but the image made me realize that we can’t control that kind of power, we can only be subject to it. And the only way I know to do that is to take small steps, one at a time on my writing journey. Maybe things will become more clear as I read further, and as I seek advice from those who are wiser than myself.
Janet Grant
Angela, you sound like the sort of person who listens intently and waits until nudged forward before taking a step. The important thing is to recognize when the nudge comes. May you be attuned to it.
Sally Bradley
I’ve loved hearing everyone’s stories! So cool.
Since third grade, I’ve wanted to write. I’ve been working at it for about twenty years now. A few years ago, I had to set writing aside–which stunk. But I did it. Then in 2011 our church went through a video series with John Piper, and he used the phrase Christian hedonism–that doing what God has designed us to do should bring us joy and that there’s nothing wrong with enjoying God’s call. For a few months, I’d begun to feel that God wanted me to return to writing, and it was during those videos that I realized I was the happiest, most content, and most fulfilled when I was writing. So I went back to writing, and God has blessed it.
The other big thing happened this month. I’m taking my book indie, and a reviewer from a major Christian fiction review site read my book and wrote an endorsement for it, saying it was one of the ten best novels she’d ever read! Talk about affirming! Exciting, humbling, and awe-inspiring at what God seems to be doing. I’m keeping her review and name under wraps for now, but when it comes time to market in a few months, that review will definitely be out there. 🙂
Janet Grant
Sally, affirming words have such power. Congratulations on having the courage to step forward after viewing the Piper video and now beginning to see some unexpected and wonderful support.
Sally Bradley
Thank you, Janet. 🙂
Jenni Brummett
I believe the Lord affirmed my call to write after I experienced a severe blow of betrayal from some lifelong friends. In moments of denial and anguish, I poured my pain onto the page. Secret journal entries turned into a short story about characters that experienced many of the same things I was experiencing. I was able to process as I wrote.
Like many others who’ve shared today, I’ve written short stories and poetry since my younger years, not to mention journaling almost daily from age 12 to 22. I also worked in a used bookstore for five years, which fueled my passion for the written word even more. But it wasn’t until I attended Mount Hermon for the first time in 2012, that I saw publication as a viable option. Because of the Lord, I’ve begun the long patience-building process of reaching that publication goal, and I’m privileged to work with a great team along the way.
“This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous to see!” -Psalm 118:23
Janet Grant
Jenni, often our painful experiences cause us to find ways to process them–and for someone with natural writing instincts, that processing will take written form. While you didn’t want to attend that College of Learning, clearly God meant for good what others meant for evil.
Janet Ann Collins
I’d always wanted to be a writer and majored in English in college. One day a professor asked me what I wanted to do when I graduated and I told him “Be a writer.” He responded, “You’ll never make it. You have no creativity.”
Years later I remembered that incident and realized I’d been writing everything in his class according to the Thesis Sentence Outline we’d been taught in High School. I wrote out a story I’d been telling my kids, sent it out, and it was accepted by Pockets magazine.
About six years after that, after many rejections and a few publications, I signed up to go to the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. But it was expensive and we didn’t have much money to spare. Was I foolish to go?
I prayed for guidance and a few days later got a letter from Pockets magazine asking permission to reprint my story! That was a definite affirmation!
Barbara Blakey
Like many others, I can’t remember not wanting to write. But as an adult, the dream seemed like castles in the air, and while the desire never died, I did not pursue writing.
While in my thirties, we began our homeschool journey, and I wrote literature-inspired study guides for my children to learn language arts. Three things were important to me as I taught my children: to teach them to think, to communicate, and to develop Godly character. Fiction, for me, was the best way to accomplish those goals, so besides the lessons in critical thinking that came from great discussions, we also used the novels to learn how to write, by closely examining the author’s skills and style.
Within two years, we owned a homeschool business, selling the study guides I wrote initially for my own children. My dreams of ever writing fiction fizzled completely. Where would I ever find the time, now? Not only were my days busy just homeschooling, but I was creating new study guides and running a business.
My heart was divided. I loved that we were selling thousands of study guides each year, meaning I was making a difference in children’s lives, but writing study guides was, well, dare I say it? Boring. Still, I did it, because I knew God was calling me to, and because the success of our materials made it impossible for me to quit.
And then. One day I looked around and all my children were finished with their schooling. I had written over fifty study guides, paying close attention to each author’s skills. Not only that, but in seeking the next title for our program, I’d read dozens and dozens of books each year.
It had felt as if my dream would never happen, but now I see God used all those years to prepare me, so that when the time was right, I was ready.
Angela Mills
I’m so glad you shared your story, Janet! It is awesome!
One of the most recent experience I’ve had with God confirming that I’m supposed to do this was when God provided for me to go to Mount Hermon. It’s a long story, but I knew I was supposed to be there because it would not have been possible without His intervention!
I have to admit, I am pretty insecure about writing. I can’t believe God hasn’t given up on me yet! But He keeps sending encouragement my way, every time I need it.
I think I should keep track of all the things He’s done to nudge me and keep me going, then I can look over the list when I’m feeling crazy and remember that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing 🙂
Janet Grant
Angela, I’m a firm believer in making lists of what God has done to affirm I’m on the right path. Sometimes we need to be reminded.
So many wonderful stories about our own God-stories coming into fruition.
The writing bug bit me long ago with poems and hand-illustrated children’s books, but my logical-brain took over and convinced me I wasn’t creative. However, the end of college left me with the itch to write – and over the next year God strengthened my faith that taking another year off before grad school to write a book was the right thing to do. A few months before committing to this year off I was walking and listening to one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller, on audiobook. Every chapter he read made me want to sit down and write (though not possible during my full time job at that point). Little seeds of creative energy would hit all throughout that spring until I could not wait to start writing (as daunting as it felt).
During the writing process I had bouts with doubt all too often, and even more often God would gift me during prayer with a vision of His abundant love for us and all the good plans He has if we will simply take steps of faith. Students would knock on my door to talk about to talk about an issue that I was writing about that week. My morning meditation would bring to mind an experience I had forgotten but fit perfectly into my plot line. When all of my creative energies were waning I came across the Mt. Herman conference two weeks before it would begin and took a leap of faith again, only to see God provide so many amazing experiences there.
It is amazing what happens when we open the door and ask God, “What is Your heart?” rather than remaining trapped in our conception of what our writing lives (and lives) will be. I’ve found that God is a much bigger dreamer than I ever could be! And a wonderful encourager too 🙂
Amy Sauder
Reading down through all these testimonies is so inspiring! Thanks for jumpstarting this encouraging discussion, Janet.
As a kid I hated reading. My mom tried to instill the love of reading in us kids, but it didn’t work for me for a long time. By the time I was about to enter high school, I finally found a light mystery series like 40 pages a book that I enjoyed. Hardly quality high-school-age material, but it was short and to the point, and I would willingly read it. Mom bought me every one. Slowly I learned my love of reading, all the way up to choosing an English Lit degree.
During my college years, a lady at my church started a Christian writer’s group. I loved writing, but never planned on publishing – just did stuff here and there. But I was excited and attended. I still remember the first day her opening prayer was that everyone who was present would be published one day. And I kinda scrunched my nose and was like, “Oops, that won’t happen now that I came.”
Fast forward years of me telling the group I was just writing for fun. A poem I wrote got 2nd place in the college journal. When I gave my mom a copy of the book, she asked me if I’d decided “how my autograph will look” yet, so I could autograph it for when I become famous. I sat down then and tried out a few things and autographed the book. I know that there’s the ongoing joke of a mother’s love of the writing says nothing for the skill of the writer, but it still sure means something. It gave me hope and confidence I hadn’t had yet. Not long after that I posted the most scary status I ever posted on facebook confessing that I really wanted to be an author, and was just terrified I couldn’t do it so wouldn’t admit it before. But I was gonna try now. There was lots of other little things that brought me to that point, but the final breakthrough moment was all because my mom asked for my first autograph. She still is the greatest encourager, anytime a bestseller comes out, saying I’m writing the next bestseller. Use her as a letter of reccomendation? Hardly. Let her provide me with hope and encouragement – absolutely. I wouldn’t be doing this without her.And now I think my writer’s group leader’s prayer just might come true.
Chris Malkemes
What a wonderful mom. She is pulling and pushing you. She believes in you and sees something you may not see in yourself. When you start seeing what she sees then your life is going to explode.
Amy Sauder
Thanks, Chris! She is wonderful 🙂
Amy Sauder
Oops, meant to reply to Chris’s comment. My bad.
Cheryl Malandrinos
How can one not be inspired by reading all of these stories? Thanks for sharing them.
Though I didn’t realize it, when I decided to start my children’s book blog and begin reviewing books for a publisher, God was leading me to where I would eventually be published the first time. It’s a great fit for me, and I am thankful He led the way.