Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Graduations offer us reminders about life lessons–after all, the ceremony is designed not only to launch the students into a new season but also to celebrate their accomplishments. Both are important markers in our lives as well.
I applied to publishing some of the principles paraded across the graduation stages from two ceremonies I attended over the last two weeks–one for law school graduates, the other for high school graduates.
Dream Big
At the law school graduation, the keynoter was an alumnus from the school. He recounted his career path for us. When I heard that was what he had been asked to speak on, by the way, I trembled over how utterly boring and egocentric the next several minutes were going to be. But that proved not to be the case.
After graduating, he was contacted by a head hunter, who interviewed him as a potential client over the phone. By the time the conversation was over, not only did the graduate not have a head hunter working for him, but he also had had explained to him that his goal of being an international law attorney was: 1) too lofty and 2) quite impossible because so few such attorneys existed.
Undeterred by these road blocks, the newly-minted attorney managed to find a job at a small international law firm based in London. That doesn’t mean all of our dreams will come true, but it does mean the gatekeepers aren’t always right.
In our agency, when something unpredictable and crazy-good happens for a client that we didn’t anticipate, we say to another, “We know nothing.” That’s not entirely true, of course, but publishing is a subjective business. Publishers have rules about what sort of book they’ll publish and what sort is an automatic no. But the art side of this business can win over the rules; it just doesn’t happen often.
If you have a crazy dream, please recognize it as such and ask yourself just how far you’re willing pursue it because it could cost you all sorts of other dreams–like actually being publishing and like being successfully published.
Work Hard
Sometimes we forget that we are rewarded for our labors while we wait for the Big Moment that someone in publishing notices just how fine our writing is. Of course, we won’t have fine work if we don’t labor at it.
The international law attorney found himself, soon after acquiring his job, having to work harder than he had ever dreamed–speaking of dreaming. He responded by putting his shoulder to the plow and traveling over much of Europe and Asia.
One day a co-worker asked if he could borrow a few pounds from the attorney. Pulling out his wallet to proffer the money, the attorney noticed he had currency from three different countries residing there. That was his life. Until the next life lesson occurred.
Be Lucky
Sometimes good things come our way unbidden when we believe in our dreams and work hard. The attorney, still new at international law, was given by the owner of this small law firm the firm’s most significant accounts because the owner was working day and night to sell the firm to one of the largest international law firms in the world.
Mr. New to the Job was overwhelmed by the deals he was putting together, which ranged in price from $2 million to $2 billion. And the owner, who had been his mentor, had no time to coach him from the sidelines.
At this lucky, do-or-die moment, the attorney once again put his shoulder to the plow and worked ever harder than before. And figured out how to do his job well, which tells us a lot about his natural talent and his desire to succeed. He wasn’t intimidated by the size of his job. And you can imagine he was operating in the Big Leagues, with Big League lawyers.
Recognize You’re the Luckiest Person Ever
Rather than becoming big-headed at his success, Mr. Attorney recognized that luck had put him in a position to be a success at what he loved. And that luck placed him in an immense international law firm, for the sale of the small company did take place.
And because Mr. Attorney had worked hard and dreamed big, the new firm almost immediately asked him to be a partner.
Pretty inspiring story, right?
“Luck” or “happenstance” or “God” is active in publishing as well. If your book released anywhere within sight of 9/11, you were unlucky. Who was reading at that moment in time? We were glued to our TVs and then were preoccupied with grief and fear.
But if you happened to have been working on an unauthorized biography of Donald Trump that released earlier this year (no one experienced this sort of luck), fate was smiling at you.
I often say that every book that sells is a miracle. The number of details that have to line up just right for a book to be a success is staggering–from the right publisher buying the manuscript; to the right editor to work on it; to the right title being assigned to it; to the right cover being designed and for the team to recognize it as such; to the book being priced right; to the right marketing emphasis; to the right media drawing attention to the book; to having enthusiastic sales reps; to the right stores to decide to carry the book; to the right buyer to discover the book; and for that person to discover it at the right moment when he or she is ready to buy. Each step can so easily turn into a misstep.
Graduations Aren’t for Graduates Only
Who knows if the graduates can even focus on the message delivered on their big day. But those of us in the audience certainly are in a position to receive just the right encouragement to dream, to work hard, and to make sure we’ve done everything we can to be lucky.
That was the case for me–and for my grandson, who was sitting in the audience with me. He was facing a final he had to do well on or his dream of majoring in engineering was going to leave the perch of his shoulder and fly away like the blue bird of happiness to land on someone else’s shoulder. He was inspired to embrace his dream and to work hard, harder than he ever had. We’re waiting to see if fate smiles on him…
What big dream are you holding onto? What can you do to work harder? In what ways has God/fate smiled on you so far?
Publishing lessons from graduation ceremonies. Click to tweet.
What graduation ceremonies can teach us about publishing. Click to tweet.
Everything I know I learned at graduation ceremonies. Click to tweet.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
What a great way to begin the week, Janet! I’m sure many will draw much inspiration here.
* For myself, I don’t have ‘dreams’. There are outcomes which would be preferred, such as survival, and a place at the top of the NYT fiction bestseller list. But these are merely preferences; life goes on regardless, and it seems best to appreciate it moment to moment without dreaming the present away for a future I may never see.
* In an interesting bit of serendipity, I just finished reading James Holland’s “Dam Busters”, probably the definitive account of 617 Squadron RAF, and the May 1943 raid on the dams that supplied water and power to the German Ruhr. It’s a fascinating story, well-written and moving…and a couple of anecdotes may bear on this subject.
* Holland tells at some length the story of Charlie Williams, an Australian from a northern cattle station, who came ‘home’ to fight in England’s defense. He trained as a radio operator, and in the course of his service met and fell in love with an English girl, Gwen ‘Bobbie’ Parfitt. Her parents were aghast, understanding that they faced the prospect of their daughter moving to what they considered a barren wilderness…and that they might rarely see her.
– Williams worked upon the relationship, and by the time of the Dams raid, they were beginning to come around…but the Lancaster in which he was a crewman hit powerlines over Holland, and Charlie Williams has killed on that moonlit night. Bobbie Parfitt, not yet his wife, was not officially informed, only learning days later that her beloved, and her dreams, had turned to literal ash.
* There’s also the story of Lewis Burpee, a Canadian pilot who was finishing his tour of operations, but was recruited for this one special op. He had a young English wife who was expecting their first child, and he too died in the flames of his aeroplane’s destruction.
* Dreams died with them…modest ones, of a hope for love in a world that might see peace.
* In the face of stories such as these (and many more to which I had a more personal connection), I do not believe that God smiles on some dreams…and casually crushes others. I believe He is a bigger God than that, and that His scope in our lives is far beyond a concern with the aspirations we have in this life; His focus is on the Eternity for which He made us.
Janet Grant
Andrew, I so agree that God’s aspirations for us are eternally-oriented. Yet we still are asked to run our race with abandon, giving our all while we’re on earth. We’re always striving to find a balance between earth and heaven.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Janet, yes…there is that balance. But nearing the end of my race, I have learned, and am still learning, that there is one imperative, one dream worth having. There is only one dream worth living for. Worth dying for.
* And that is to protect the innocent, with all strength, and at any price.
* Last week a baby Bullmastiff turned up at my door, too footsore to walk, and too brokenhearted to raise her head. Today she initiated her first play-bow.
* I’ve come to realize that for her, and for all the dogs in my care, I’ve dropped the hopes and aspirations I have had. There is the energy to care for them, but nothing more. I’m good with that, and ask no more from life.
* So, my dream…that God gives me the strength to stand my post, and to never, ever stand down. This is my Blaze of Glory; to their care, and to the Almighty, I commend my heart and soul and spirit and resolve.
Shelli Littleton
My little girl graduating high school and moving on to college is a sweet, big dream for me. And today at church, we had “Senior Sunday” … it was sweet to witness the lives that she’s impacted. I didn’t realize how many people … we’ve only lived here for four years. One lady drove from Arkansas to be here today for Karalee and another kid … my daughter worked/volunteered at the church with her for several years. Today felt like the warmth of a thousand God-smiles. And my writing dreams are always showered with smiles when I meet new writer friends. The first day I commented on this blog, and you responded to my entry, Janet … that felt like a huge God-smile on me. Thank you for always encouraging us.
Janet Grant
Shelli, congrats on your young grad. Parents are so integral to their children’s achievements.
We need to encourage one another to keep on keeping on. I’m glad I’ve had a small part in that for you, Shelli.
Shirlee Abbott
A very interesting topic, Janet, but I’d add one more question: how have your dreams changed over time?
*I used to dream of moving up the healthcare administration ladder. But my dream didn’t include the realities of regulatory compliance and being on call. I’d make more money, yes, but at a price I didn’t want. I let that dream go.
*I dreamed of adopting school-age children and becoming one big happy family. I finally shaved some of the “happy” off that dream and accepted that we are better people because of it. If I had a do-over, I’d work more at prayer and less at trying to fix what’s broken.
*I dream of (and work at) writing down ideas that help others in their walk with God. Based on wisdom gained from the other two dreams, this time I bring the kernel of the dream to God and ask, “Lord, how do you want to grow it?” It isn’t a matter of luck. It’s a matter of obedience. My goal isn’t being published–my goal is God’s “well done, faithful servant.”
Janet Grant
Shirlee, that’s a great additional question.
When I was in middle school, I wanted to win a Pulitzer Prize for literature. Well, that dream needed a wee bit of adjustment…
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Shirlee, for what it’s worth…many years ago, I made eye contact with someone I couldn’t save. I can never forget that moment. I don’t want to.
* And that set a dream in my heart. To never let that happen again, or die trying. It hasn’t changed, and though my weapons are different now, I’m still the same.
Becky McCoy
Right now, my biggest dream is to see my book become something many people can read and not just something for my beta readers.
Janet Grant
That’s an excellent dream to aspire to, Becky.
Rachael O. Phillips
Certainly, God smiled on me when Wendy agreed to represent me, and I joined your agency! I had no idea what I was doing when I pitched to her, yet God blessed that amazing connection! Am I blessed, or what!
Some publishing successes have followed, and others have not–so far.Sometimes during the more discouraging moments as I work and wait and pray, I cling to faith that He still works in and through me, and that the bread I cast on the water will nourish someone, somewhere. Do I still dream big dreams? Sure. That is biblical (Joel 2:28), a product of the outpouring of God’s Spirit. Whether my personal dreams come true or not, I pray I will have fulfilled His for me.
Janet Grant
Rachael, we’re so fortunate to have you as part of our agency. You’re bright spirit and sunny disposition have added to many a Bookie gathering.
I appreciate your last line about fulfilling God’s dreams for you. That’s such a powerful way to pray.
Jenny Leo
Some years are more graduation-heavy than others, and 2016 has been a Year of Graduations for me–the kind of year when I purchase “congratulations” cards in bulk (to be followed, in due course, by a Year of Weddings, in which I brush up on my Chicken Dance skills, and then a Year(s) of New Babies). Thank you for the reminder that wisdom offered to new grads can also apply to anyone within earshot, including those squirming to get comfortable on bleacher seats, to no avail.
Janet Grant
Jenny, I hadn’t noticed the progression from one sort of card to another, but if you’re right, I better stock up on wedding cards…
I so relate to the squirming to get comfortable. During one of the graduations, we sat in chairs (yea!) in the shade (double yea!). The other was indeed on bleachers and in scorching temps (*wilts*).
Norma Brumbaugh
Dreams have a way of morphing. But that’s not all bad. My aspirations tend to be tied up with reality. Yet they are still there, waiting for the nod of God. Prayer is a huge factor. Work, too, as you have stated. And waiting for the right time etc. Yesterday I made up a list of the many details that need to fill in for my dream to be realized. Have to say, it’s daunting. What is another factor, is one’s age. Life feels different now than it used to. There’s more pressure to get it right or to bail and pursue a new direction. It’s an interesting dance. I’m glad that dreams live on.
Janet Grant
I love your line “the nod of God.” How we all yearn for that.
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
My BFF is an “official” graduation photographer in the state in which she lives. She has the fancy badge to go wherever she wants during the ceremony, and then takes photos of each and every graduate. And a least 2 pairs of reading glasses on her at all times.
I know which universities are swimming with entitled darlings, and which are a healthy blend of “parents worked hard/so kid works hard” and “too spoiled for words”. She’s heard some great high school speeches. She’s also raced through a potty break with a Very Famous Person, and didn’t realize it until later.
Yes, Condoleezza Rice is quite friendly and witty. And walks very fast back to the ceremony after the intermission.
But, big dreams?
Hmm, I’ll admit it. I think my books would do well on AMC or PBS as a mini-series. I know, you’re all thinking, “she’s so humble”.
Here’s the thing, in July, after my trip with my parents and my daughter, we’re having dinner with some very old friends. They’re sort of aunts, uncles and cousins. Both cousins’ husbands work in the same very interesting field. One was part of a wee film called The Force Awakens.
Will I schmooze? NO. But, you can bet if they ask, I’ll tell them what I do. If they don’t? You can bet my mom will say “Hey, Jennifer, tell X and Y about your books.”
As I’ve been learning along this twisty writing road, God does not just drop things out of the blue. At least not for me. Instead, He drops things through people I already know. ALL of the connections and “Oh wow! Seriously?” moments have come in conversations I’ve shared with friends or family.
In that way, my journey is full of ‘our’ moments, and the joy is shared all around.
It may have started out as my book and my dream of publication, but by the time the first copies come off the press? It’s a very big dream shared by a very big crowd.
I’m only too happy to share. Especially if I’m asked to email someone about details.
At which point I will say the sweet words “Let me talk to my agent.”
Janet Grant
Dreams can come true in the oddest, most God-est ways.
Carol Ashby
Funny you should say your dream was a Pulitzer, Janet. When I was interviewing for faculty positions at a time when female science faculty were rare enough to be nonexistent at most universities, I got the question about what my goals were. My reply: “A Nobel prize, of course.” I’d always planned to be a professor, but after much prayer, I turned down the university offers and went with the national research lab. My choice led to enough professional recognition to satisfy and a few national awards, but mostly I just loved doing research with great colleagues at an exciting place to work. At the time I made the choice, I thought it was because of the superior laboratory facilities, but 14 years later we adopted our son. If I’d taken any of the university offers, I wouldn’t have been in New Mexico and I wouldn’t have the son and daughter God gave us to raise. (Being a mother was never my dream, but when God points in a direction, the wise person goes there. Turns out motherhood beats a Nobel prize, hands down, and I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything.)
*My new dream: inspiring a deeper commitment to sharing our faith by publishing novels that are stories of the human dilemmas, romantic and otherwise, of realistic people wrestling with whether to believe when the decision carries high-stakes consequences. My dream isn’t a Pulitzer or any other prize; it’s hearing from a reader that they walk closer with God because they read one of my books.
Janet Grant
Carol, ah youth, we believed anything was possible. But thankfully our large dreams didn’t come true. Instead, they morphed into satisfying, challenging, and heartfelt work. That’s my idea of a dream come true!