What motivates you to write? Knowing what motivates you will help you focus and stay on task. Plus, if you know where to go to get motivation when you’re feeling discouraged, you’ll get out of any writing slump faster. You can’t let those slumps stop you–especially when you are writing on a deadline.
To evaluate your motivations, think about these things:
Who motivates you to write? Is there a person in your life whom you are writing for, or is there someone who knows what encouraging thing to say? If so, when you start to fall off the writing track, think about that person or give your encouraging buddy a call. Or maybe your potential audience motivates you?
When do you feel most motivated to write? Do you write best in the morning, midday, or at night? One of my close author friends has young children, and she gets up very early in the morning to write so none of the kiddos distract her. Find the best time for you and stick with it! Create a writing schedule for yourself.
Why do you write? (What motivates you?) Think about your goals for writing. Focus on them, and when you feel discouraged, think again about what you would like to accomplish with your writing. It’s a good idea to write down your goals and keep them near your writing space.
Where do you write best? Where is your writing space? Some authors write best from home while others are too distracted at home and must write at the library or a coffee shop. If you find yourself unproductive, try something new. Avoid the internet while you write; consider disconnecting your router during your scheduled writing time.
If you feel comfortable sharing some of your answers, please do!
There are no stories I can tell,
there are no plot-lines in my head,
I don’t write so very well,
and it won’t earn my daily bread.
There’s no place set at this table
for the words that I can give,
but as long as I am able
I’ll encourage all to give
their joyous hearts to God Himself
through medium of poetry,
and though I’ll see no bookstore shelf,
this job is still enough for me,
and it’ll all have been worthwhile
if I can make one person smile.
You made me smile. : )
Laquita, I am delighted!
You always make me smile, Andrew.
Thank you, Elissa. I’m really happy that I do!
I’ve written from two windows in two homes. The first window looked out six feet to the backside of my neighbor’s fence – sigh – and the other window looks out on an acre, three white oaks, a county road, and then miles and miles of everything but civilization. Man, I love it. And just to keep civilization from creeping in by other means, I put my phone on Do Not Disturb during writing time. (I also set alarms to check the phone because we’re raising two young men, and I hear from the nurse and the principal more than I would like.)
Who: I lost my dad when I was a teen and he was such a great storyteller. He would make up wild tales on the fly that featured my brother and I along with a bunch of horses, dogs, cats, guinea pigs … solving mysteries. I would love to create something that would have made him proud if he’d had more time with us.
When: I started writing very early in the morning when my 3 sons were little. Although I am not a morning person, this remains my best time to write.
Where: I write best at home, but a library or coffee shop can also work in a pinch.
Why: I think that story alone has such incredible value. The power to sweep you away, to encourage a child, to give a moment of peace in a hard world. I write because there are a lot of difficult things we must live through and overcome in this world and everyone needs a moment to take a breath, find their strength, and recharge in between the battles. I especially want to provide this for children as our family works at a Bible camp and see first hand the mighty struggles that kids face these days.
Many students struggle to write essays because they solve multiple problems while writing. Busy on the phone, listening to music, taking care of friends https://www.mcdvoicecom.info/