Blogger: Rachel Kent
Our clients’ Christmas releases are starting to arrive at the office! Christmas books come out early in preparation for all of the Christmas shopping. Are you ready for Christmas to be here?
We have a lot of Christmas releases this year, including:
An Endless Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti
The Basket Brigade Christmas with stories by Judith Miller, Nancy Moser and Stephanie Grace Whitson
The Pioneer Christmas Collection (re-release) with stories by Lauraine Snelling and Michelle Ule
A Texas Christmas with a story by Kathleen Y’Barbo
An Amish Christmas at North Star with a story by Katie Ganshert
The 12 Brides of Christmas Collection with stories by Davalynn Spencer and Michelle Ule.
Do you enjoy reading books about Christmas or Christmas novellas?
What is your current favorite Christmas book?
I enjoy reading Christmas novellas and books, but I have too many favorites to list them all. I have enjoyed many of the Barbour Christmas collections, and I always read the Christmas novellas/novels my clients write. I also helped with the discussion questions on Robin Jones Gunn’s Finding Father Christmas and Engaging Father Christmas so those will always be special to me. And they are lovely books, too!
GIVEAWAY: I have an extra copy of An Endless Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti and also a copy of A Basket Brigade Christmas by Nancy Moser, Judith Miller and Stephanie Grace Whitson. Leave a comment below and I will randomly select two winners on Monday. Each winner will receive one of the books. I’ll email the winners privately and write a comment here announcing them sometime on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend and a safe Halloween if you participate in festivities tomorrow.
Stories that end happy, the quick read of novellas, the best memories of the past. What’s not to like? The only not-like is I don’t have time to read them all. I have a ton of stuff to get done before Christmas!
* Thank you, Rachel, for sharing this festive look forward.
I have a lot to do still, too!
I really enjoy Christmas stories, but I am so far behind on my TBR pile that I haven’t read many recently. π One that I loved is by Susan May Warren is Baby, It’s Cold Outside. It was a fun, touching read.
*If I win, I promise to read the book THIS Christmas. π
Sounds good! π
Thank you for sharing the in-house Christmas releases…I’ll make a special effort to look for them as presents for Barbara.
* My favourite Christmas book (which fits meaning more than season) is David Bellavia’s “House to House”, his memoir of urban combat in Fallujah in October 2004.
* Bellavia has not only written a story of the worst kind of fighting, but has also described arcs of faith, love, and brotherhood that speak to my soul.
I admit, I haven’t read that one! π I think we have different tastes.
I love Christmas books! I have quite a few favorites. I love Miracle on 34th Street. And, although this isn’t a Christmas book, Little House on the Prairie had a chapter about Christmas that always stuck with me. Ma made little cakes with white sugar, and I think the girls each got their own tin cup. Funny how even a scene can make an impact. π
Yes! I love the one–may be the same you are mentioning–where Isaiah comes looking like Santa to deliver Christmas to them. He passed through a river, I believe … he was an icicle when he arrived. He brought Ma a sweet potato or two. The sweet silver cups. Maybe peppermint sticks for the girls? So sweet. My favorite.
I loved that Little House chapter too, Jill! I didn’t know there was a book titled, Miracle on 34th Street! I’ll have to find that one.
I love Christmas books! For several years, I read John Grisham’s Skipping Christmas each December. It is a fun, light-hearted story with nary a lawyer in sight that, even without a faith element, reminds of the truth of Christmas. I had the honor of reviewing an ARC of An Endless Christmas by Cynthia Ruchti. It’s a sweet story and definitely worth re-reading. (Don’t put me in the drawing for that one. Someone else can be blessed with the book.)
I haven’t had a chance to read An Endless Christmas yet, so thank you for your review!
Ooooh, I love the covers. They make me feel nostalgic and all home-for-the-holidays. Nicely done. I read several Christmas novellas last year in preparation for writing my own and I enjoyed Michelle Ule’s pioneer Christmas collection when it came out so yes, I have been known to read a Christmas book or two.
Oh we are doing favorite Christmas books! The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Nativity Story (photos from the movie with Bible verses), and The Shepherd, The Angel, and Walter The Christmas Miracle Dog. I read these with my boys every year and absolutely adore them.
I need to get my trees trimmed around my chimney so we can have a fire this year. I have this nostalgic dream of curling up with a blanket, tea and a Christmas book.
Well, I love reading, whatever the season. I’ve not read many Christmas fiction stories. The most recent one was Jan Karon’s Shepherds Abiding. They help move a heart into preparation for the season, especially in Texas, when it’s warm (warm front) and you are wishing for snow … cooler weather, at least. π 2012, we actually received a good snow on Christmas Day. Amazing. Thank you for the giveaway!
We need rain so badly! And snow in the mountains. I so hope we get some this winter!
I don’t regularly read Christmas stories at Christmastime, although one seasonal favorite is George MacDonald’s “The Gifts of the Child Christ.” I enjoyed listening to a recording of Dickens’ A Christmas Story last January; it’d been many years since I’d read it. Thanks for the give-away, Rachel; it would be delightful to receive a Books and Such book in the mail.
Thanks for sharing some favorites, Betsy!
I don’t read contemporary Christmas books, but I love Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. We have every movie and TV version. Oddly, the one with the most emphasis on Jesus is the recent TV version with Patrick Stewart My favorite is Muppet Christmas Carol. Fantastic songs with some that can actually bring tears to my eyes.
I love the Muppet Christmas Carol! π
The first time I heard “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson was when it was being read on live radio. I laughed so hard I could barely contain myself as I listened to the antics of the Herdmans, “Hey, Unto you a child is born,” while this rough and tumble passel of kids took over the Christmas play but found the meaning of Christmas in the end. I had to buy myself a copy.
I will need to check this out! I love a good laugh! π
The Little Drummer Boy, only the really old church library version. I think it was Arch Books. They had the glossy covers.
I could NOT get through that without crying like a hungry supermodel in a Chipotle line up. Or the Spanish princess in Drew Barrymores Ever After.
Did I read it to my kids? HA. No.
But I’d dig into a Christmas novella, if I had the time. Like, on Boxing Day. Which is a holiday here, so not much is open. Hello leftovers and new books!
… crying like a hungry supermodel in a Chipotle line up. Ha! Are you a writer, or what?
Perhaps… π
π I cried like that during the movie UP. It was ugly.
UP was SO GOOD!!!
Yes I enjoy reading books or novellas about Christmas. However, my favorite Christmas novella is still “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.
A wonderful classic!
I love reading Christmas books. And I”m thrilled to say next year I’ll be an author who has a Christmas book coming out. WOo Hoo. I loved Where Tree Tops Glisten from last year. So I”m eager to give these new ones a peek.
I love that book, too!
I would be honored to give either book a great home , where it would be treasured and read with love and care.
Thanks, Deana!
I love Christmas stories! Where Treetops Glisten is the last Christmas novella collection I’ve read, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Please enter me in the drawing. I know a Little Free Library that would get great use of either of these two booksβafter I read it, of course.
I’ll put your name in! I think you’d love these stories. I have heard good things about both!
Christmas books are some of my favorites but I have too many favs from which to choose. “Tell me the old, old story,” an ancient hymn recited. It never really gets old, does it? – the Christmas gift, the love stories we create around the season. More – give me more! (Doubly honored to be in The 12 Brides with Michelle!)
Yes! It was exciting to put your name on the list! π That is a great book.
I love reading Christmas books! Both of these look so good.
Thanks, Susan!
I love Christmas stories and I especially enjoy them the days following Christmas, when the hustle and bustle has died down. I re-read many of them and one that is especially dear to me is Christmas Jars by Jason Watson. It has a message that is timeless!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I don’t think I’ve read that one, Connie. I’ll have to find it!
Hi Connie,
I can’t find your email address. Could you please email me at rachel@ (remove the space) so I can get your book to you? Congrats! π
For fiction, I recommend a novella entitled A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs. For non-fiction, I always enjoy re-reading Bonhoeffer’s classic God is in the Manger. Since I own a bookstore, I’ll pass on your generous offer of the drawing.
May God’s peace be with everyone as we prepare to celebrate the coming of God into our world.
Great recommendations! Thank you. Peace be with you, too!
My favorite Christmas book? Hmm. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is the first one that comes to mind. Would love to win that Ruchti title!!
I will enter you in the drawing! Thanks! And I will have to check out Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Lots of recommendations for that one!
I absolutely love Christmas books, collector’s books, novella’s, complete novels . . . whatever. I leave them around my house so that I can be reminded of the joy and wonder of Christmas at any time. I also share them so would be excited to add another to my set.
God bless and Merry Christmas…okay, yes, I know it’s a bit early but still….is Christmas ever really done?
Ok, I’ll fess up and say that my favorite Christmas stories are the classics I grew up with and read to my kids. Mr. Willoby’s Christmas Tree, The Night Before Christmas, etc. However, my current favorite Christmas story is actually a WIP picture book. Prayerfully it will become a favorite to others as well.
I love reading Christmastime stories–stories that capture the most magical time of the year, and share lessons of love and giving.
One of my favorite Christmas stories is “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” As a former educator, I knew and dealt with children like the Herdmans who were poor and uncultured but impressionable and in desperate need of love and approval. It’s a book that captures and holds the reader’s attention and heart.
I love, love, love Christmas fiction. Like you, I have too many favorites to name. One book that is a must read is The Santa Letters by Stacy Gooch Anderson. It’s about a family struggling a year after the death of the father/husband. One day, a mysterious package arrives with a letter signed by Santa. As the days leading up to Christmas progress and the letters keep coming, this family learns the power of God’s love and how it can heal any wound.
Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. Years ago a couple told us they have a birthday party for Jesus. The whole shebang. Cake, sing birthday song, and Jesus shares gifts with us under the tree. When buying the birthday party stuff at the store the cashier usually says, awww, that’s sad, who has a birthday at Christmas? Talk about the opener for a 1 minute share about God!
Mary, I can’t seem to find your email. Please contact me at rachel@ (remove space) so I can get your book to you! π Congrats!
Thank you SOOOO much!! My email is
I also PM via email you as you requested.
YES, HAPPY DANCE! I love Christmas and Christmas stories!!
I enjoy reading Christmas stories and watching Christmas movies. There’s an extra sweetness when stories are set during Christmas.
One year I read a fictional story about the Magi coming to see Jesus, and I’ve never been able to find the story again. I’ve searched libraries and online without success. But that story has stuck with me over fifteen years.
Here’s another vote for the Christmas scene in Little House on the Prairie. I imagine Laura’s face when she lays down her corn cob doll in favor of her new Christmas doll – total wonder and disbelief. Yet she promised she’d always love her dolls equally, if I remember the story correctly.
We enjoyed Cynthia Ruchti as the keynote speaker at the OCW fall conference a couple weeks ago. She is an excellent teacher and loads of fun. It’s great you’re promoting her book.
I really enjoyed David Baldacci’s “The Christmas Train”, but haven’t read much more Christmas themed fiction than that one book.
Great idea for a giveaway!
While I’ve read lots of Christmas books, my favorite is still “Christmas Carols”, illustrated by Fern Bisel Peat. It includes the full Christmas story from the King James Bible. When I was a kid every Christmas Eve, after hearing The Night Before Christmas, we’d sing carols. Then my parents would read the story of Jesus’ birth from that song book. It was the only time the Bible was ever read aloud in our home. I still read it every Christmas Eve.
I enjoy reading Christmas books year round! I have too many favorites to list. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. π
Oh, I saw the Basket Brigade Christmas in a catalog the other day and want to read it! Civil War is my favorite.
I love Christmas books. They really help me get into the Christmas mood. π Probably my favorite Christmas book right now is Where the Treetops Glisten by Sarah Sundin, Cara Putman and Tricia Goyer.
Oh I love reading the Christmas books too! Really puts you in the Christmas spirit! One I really loved was Lakeshore Christmas by Susan Wiggs! These both look so good! I am really getting into the Christmas spirit early this year!
I actually haven’t read too many Christmas books, but I’d like to read more. As a family, we enjoy reading children’s Christmas stories – one for each day of December. We’ve got a lot of favorites including “Cobweb Christmas”.
I don’t know that I have a favorite, but I can’t wait to read Katie Ganshert’s one that just came out!
Sorry to be a day late with my winner announcement. Yesterday was a crazy one. π
The winner of Endless Christmas is: Connie Saunders
The winner of A Basket Brigade Christmas is: Mary Vee
Congratulations! I’ll try to get in touch with each of you via email to get your mailing addresses.
ThAnK yOu!!!! So much.I love Christmas stories. π