Blogger: Rachel Kent
Typically, when your contracted manuscript is a few months from publication, the publisher will send out influencer copies to a list of recipients that you’ve compiled. It’s usually between 25 and 100 people. The books go out to the influencers with the intention of getting them to tell others about your book and to post reviews. If your list is effective, then your book can gain good sales momentum early on.
But how do you put together an effective list? You select readers who have a large network of influence.
I have seen some authors’ influencer lists, and they have Mom, Dad, Uncle, and Aunt on there. Putting your family or best friends on the list can be a mistake. Your family and friends are likely to be excited to purchase your book–so you’re losing some sales by putting them on the list–and you are using your limited list slots for people who probably don’t have a wide network of influence. Your mom might tell everyone she knows about your book, but she would do that anyway. π
You should send your influencer copies to these types of people:
- Bloggers with lots of blog traffic
- Radio producers
- Television stations
- Other authors who have a large following
- Local bookstore owners
- People of influence in your community (pastors, teachers, youth workers (if you write for YA), etc.)
Influencers are supposed to be people who know you or have at least heard of you, so start to form relationships with these people as you have opportunity to do so. Introduce yourself to local bookstore owners and, when you have a book contract, ask if they would be willing to be on your influencer list. Call up your local radio or TV stations to see if there’s someone interested in reading a book by a local author with the possibility of hosting a radio spotlight on your book. (I’ve heard author spotlights on KLOVE radio and our local KZST before.) Stop in at churches to make connections with pastors (or the women’s ministry leader). Find ways to meet people who could be influencers and ask them ahead of time if they would like to be on the list. People enjoy receiving free books so it shouldn’t be too hard to find willing participants.
For those of you who are unpublished at this time it’s not too early to start forming your influencer network. Make connections with authors and bloggers now. You don’t have to ask them if they want to be on your influencer list yet, but having some good connections will give you a place to start when the time is right.
Store your influencers’ addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers in a database so you have your list ready when the marketing department asks you for it. It also wouldn’t hurt to personally send a little reminder to each influencer before the books are sent by the publisher so that each influencer is aware that the books are coming soon. That way, if it’s been a while since you formed the relationship, the reader’s memory is triggered, and he or she is prepared to set aside time to read the book.
Based on the topic of your book, who might be your best influencers? For those of you who are published, who is on your list? What sort of person would like to add to your list?
Rick Barry
Rachel, when you include “Other authors who have a large following,” I assume this means other authors who write in a similar vein, right? For instance, say new writer John Smith meets famous author Gerta Jones at a conference. If Gerta pens a blog with a huge following but writes prairie romance, she may feel awkward if John asks her to plug a sci-fi story or murder mystery. Also, Sally’s readership most likely won’t care for the sci-fi tale.
I know, this sounds obvious. However, even though I’m not world famous, I’ve been asked to endorse a couple books that are light-years away from what I normally read and write. Awkward to decline.
Meghan Carver
Good point, Rick. Should I cross you off my list, since I write women’s fiction? π
Rick Barry
Meghan, sure, that would be best. But I’ll still cheer when I see your name on a book cover!
Rachel Kent
Yes, Rick. Good point. π
Thank for all these good ideas. Another example of how putting in the work building platform and relationships is so important, and important well before publication.
I really love being on launch teams. It’s so exciting to see people reach their dreams and be a part of spreading the word on their behalf!
I also hope when my time comes, that I might be able to include a few people just starting out, who might benefit from the relationship more than I might. I am starting from ground level and I want to always remember that. People have reached out to me and I hope to do the same.
Jeanne T
What a great idea–to include people who are just starting out on your list. I’ll have to remember that.
Meghan Carver
I’ve wondered about that too, Lisa, reaching out to people who are just starting out. They might actually have a lot more enthusiasm than someone more experienced who gets requests all the time.
Cheryl Malandrinos
I had a writing friend who did this for me when she began a new series. She felt it would be good exposure for me considering the release of my book later that year. I hope and pray everyone has such wonderful support.
Morgan Tarpley
I agree! Great idea! π
Jeanne T
This is such a helpful post, Rachel. I haven’t gotten to the point where I am ready for influencers, but I definitely see the value in establishing some good relationships now. Do you have suggestions for how to go about this with people in the media (i.e. radio stations) or with book store owners, especially for someone who is on the shy side in new situations? π
Rachel Kent
I’m pretty shy with things like this too, but we just have to make the effort. I think phone calls are best, but emailing might work too if the thought of a phone call is terrifying. π
Rachel Kent
For bookstores I think face to face is best and bring a picture of your book cover.
Anne Love
Great post. This is something I’ve not read about or thought about yet. Adding it to the goal list! π
Rachel Kent
Tiana Smith
This is hard to do – especially if you’re still unpublished (does anyone else feel … like a leech when you purposefully start trying to build relationships with already published authors or influencers? I try not to let it bother me, especially because I am interested in these people for real and would like to get to know them even if I never get published. However, it’s still hard to feel like you’re using people in that way. I just hope they can tell I’m genuine in my interest.
Sally Bradley
Tiana, one way around that is to get involved in your local writing group.
We have an ACFW chapter near me. I go each month. I have to because I’m president :), but I do love it. I’ve made good friends with a number in our group, and it just so happens that a couple are published.
I didn’t try to befriend the ones who’d sold. It just happened as we spent time together. So there’s no icky leechy feeling involved.
And then there’s the friends who aren’t published yet, but for all I know are about to be the next Francine Rivers or Karen Kingsbury. They’re my friends, so, again, there’s no icky feeling when their career takes off. And vice versa if I sell first.
Who knows? Maybe someone we’ve already befriended here will be on our influencer lists someday. π
Rachel Kent
It’s more like building friendships. You don’t need to approach them with the intention of adding them to such a list, but it is a benefit of making author connections. Joining writing groups is a great way to meet people.
Morgan Tarpley
I agree, Tiana. I genuinely want to connect with other bloggers and authors too. I don’t want to come off that I’m only reaching out to get something from them.
There are definitely unsavory parts to the actual non-writing parts of being a writer. However, consider it this way: newspapers, radio stations, blogs, etc. are ALWAYS looking for new content. So rather than you being a leech, you are helping them do their basic function.
As far as other writers / bloggers [who don’t necessarily run “professional” blogs where they derive their income from their blog, which is something to distinguish them from the bloggers in the previous paragraph], consider it this way: if they’re writers, they’re probably readers. While it’s ultimately their choice whether or not to promote anyones’ book, by informing them about your book and sharing it with them, you are doing what you would with any other reader: presenting your work to them.
Rachel Kent
Larry is right! Thanks, Larry.
Lindsay Harrel
Really great things to think about. I’ve been fortunate to make connections with a lot of fellow bloggers and authors. One problem is that a lot of them know each other, so I’ve wondered if doing interviews on their blog as a result of being an influencer might not be the best way to go. Seems reviews and messages on Facebook tend to reach more readers.
I’m looking forward to your response to Jeanne above, as I’ve wondered how to go about making media connections. It seems awkward to me to ask if they’d consider interviewing me before I even have a book contracted. Thanks, Rachel!
Rachel Kent
Those types of connections would be hard to make before you have a book contracted. I think building author relationships and relationships with bloggers is the best way to start out while you are still unpublished.
Sarah Thomas
I think this is one of those instances where a great community like Books & Such has built comes in handy. I hadn’t really though about it before, but quite a few of the folks I’ve connected with here would be great influencers! Can’t wait to have the opportunity to ask . . .
Rachel Kent
Exactly! That’s one of the reasons why Books & Such believes so strongly in forming a community of authors.
Sally Bradley
My dream influencer is Liz Curtis Higgs because of her testimony. It fits nicely with my book. But she writes historicals so . . .
Jeanne T
I want to be like Liz Curtis Higgs when I grow up. π
Rachel Kent
Lol! I think Liz is amazing.
Meghan Carver
It’s so exciting to think about, Rachel, and I appreciate such great suggestions. I have been reaching out to other bloggers and my readers just simply for the sake of relationship. But I need to break out of my introvert shell and make connections in places I normally wouldn’t. Thanks for the encouragement!
Jill Kemerer
This is so helpful, Rachel. I’ve been blessed to be part of a local RWA chapter, and the connections have blown me away. Our published authors regularly score interviews in newspapers. We host an annual Book Lover’s Event, and the television and radio stations always interview 3-4 members.
I write down the contact info whenever I come across something I think might work for me–when the time comes!
Jeanne T
Great idea to write down contact info, Jill. Thanks for sharing. π
Jill Kemerer
Jeanne, I keep a OneNote notebook for any great marketing ideas I find. I just add any contacts there. It’s easy!
Rachel Kent
Oh neat! I would love to go to a Book Lover’s event. π
Jill Kemerer
It’s a LOT of fun. We reserve a large room in our library. Members of our group bring appetizers and desserts, and we host book readings for our published authors. We also donate tons of used books for guests to take with them. At the end, we feature an author panel to answer any questions. We have a great time!
The best part? It’s our way to give back to our community and raise awareness of our group. The public is welcome and invited. It’s fun!
Leah E. Good
Great suggestions! Thank you, Rachel. As a marketing major, the marketing side of publishing sounds exciting to me.
Cheryl Malandrinos
Excellent post, Rachel. What I found discouring starting out is that blogs with tons of traffic are usually booked far in advance and have more requests than they can handle. I tried to skirt around that a bit by requesting reviews from a Christian children’s writer who had several books out and a bestselling author of Christian fiction who had a large following. Their reviews were listed on the back cover. I also posted them on my website and blogs.
I didn’t think about radio producers, but we have a Christian radio station in the next state. That might be a good place for me to contact. Thanks for that idea.
Rachel Kent
It is hard to find space on some of the huge blogs, but the blogs don’t have to be that big. They just need to have a nice amount of traffic. Even 30 people a day is a pretty good number.
Glad the radio station idea was helpful!
Morgan Tarpley
Hi everyone! Hi Rachel!
I have a question about databases. I am gathering addresses, etc. for these lists and I don’t know the best way to store them.
Would I use a program or service online? Or just have them all organized in an Excel spreadsheet? I want to do this right, so I need some advice.
Cheryl Malandrinos
I’ve used Excel, but there is also Access, which is a database software. I haven’t used that in years.
Morgan Tarpley
Thanks Cheryl! I’ll check it out. π
Rachel Kent
I use excel for my databases but I also have contacts in Outlook.
Morgan Tarpley
Thanks Rachel and Jill! I’ll check all these suggestions out. π
Jill Kemerer
Morgan, you can also grow a list by offering a newsletter subscription on your website. MailChimp is free, super simple to set up, and it saves e-mail addresses for you.
Evangeline Denmark
You never know when you’re going to be blessed with an invaluable contact and friend! I don’t usually wear my author hat when I’m interacting with people at my boys’ school, but once I’ve gotten to know someone, it usually comes out that I write. One mom I became friends with was particularly excited about The Dragon and the Turtle books. She bought them for her daughter and gave them as gifts. When I happened to mention an upcoming booksigning, my friend said, “Oh, I have connections at the radio station. Send me the info and they’ll share it on stations A, B, and C.” I was floored and so thankful. That booksigning was the best we’ve ever had! You can bet that friend is on my influencer list. I should probably put her on my Christmas list too! π
Rachel Kent
I love it when those types of things happen. Networking is awesome!
Martha Ramirez
This is EXCELLENT advice, Rachel! Thank you!
Karen Barnett
Something that confused me for a long time when I first started making connections in the writing community is the difference between an influencer and an endorser. Even though I’m unpublished, I’ve served as an influencer for quite a few writers, mainly because I enjoy reading, blogging, and chatting on Facebook/Twitter about books that I’m reading. I was shocked the first time someone asked me, since I figured they would be looking for big-shot writers to do that. I think Sarah Sundin is the one who told me, unpublished writers often make better influencers because they have more time and energy to devote to the process.
Rachel Kent
As long as the unpublished author has a good following on Facebook or a blog they can make excellent influencers. π It’s all about finding people who are connected to others.
Sarah Sundin
Yep, I’m the source, and I second what Rachel said. I’ve found my most enthusiastic influencers are the unpublished authors – sometimes influencing for the first time. Since they aren’t influencing for a book a week, they’re so excited and tend to do a lot more – and some creative things too!
When I got my influencer form for my first book, I knew almost NO ONE! I put out a request on ACFW and filled the list (barely). Some had “baby blogs” – and one hadn’t yet started her blog. I was a bit nervous. Ironically, some of the writers I was most nervous about ended up being my best influencers. Now their blogs have grown in readership, but we’ve become friends and they’re still enthusiastic influencers.
I wouldn’t completely fill my influencer list with those just starting out – but I would leave some slots open for them.
And Karen, you have a permanent spot reserved on my list π
Karen Barnett
Hooray! I’ll read every Sarah Sundin book I can get my mitts on. π
Sue Harrison
Thank you so much for this post, Rachel. I’ve never used influencers before, so I really appreciate this information – and I’m hoping someday I’ll need to use it!!
Gabrielle Meyer
I had to giggle a little when I read about not putting your mom (or family members) on the list. I live in a small to moderate sized town (depending on who you ask!) and my first novel is based on actual events that took place here in the 1850’s. My mom is the mayor, my uncle is a city council member and my father-in-law is a well established surgeon – I know all of them would make fabulous influencers, but I wouldn’t put them on the list, because, as you said, they’d tell everyone they know anyway (actually, my mom is already telling everyone and I don’t have a contract, yet). π
Rachel Kent
I love it! My mom is the same way. Very proud.
Jennifer Major
Well, FINALLY I can sit down and comment…Rachel, this is great advice! I already have a few people in mind for WHEN (oh yeah, I went there ;)) I’m published.
But is it just me, or does “influencer” and “endorser” kind of have that mob vibe going?
Ignore me, I’ve been in the garage with fumes. Annnnnd in 2 days I can’t blame chemicals for my comments.
Rachel Kent
Lol! I guess it does seem a bit mobbish. It is about building connections and expanding your circle of influence. π
Kathryn Barker
Rachel, thanks for the great advice. I’ll get another cuppa tea and start a list…25 to a 100 people not related…hmmmm. Maybe I better make that a pot of tea!
Amy Ford
This was an awesome blog today π
So just curious, the book is actually printed and finished typically a few months before it’s actually released and that is what goes to influencers?
And when do copies usually go out for endorsements? Is that just a paper copy or digital file that goes out?
Rachel Kent
Endorsements are usually done with paper advanced reader copies though I have heard of electronic ARCs as well.
Influencers can get copies of the final book or ARCs. Usually the book is printed 1-2 months before the official release date. Sometimes they even reach the stores early!
Jessi Gage
Thanks for these tips, Rachel.
I get super nervous when I think about contacting radio/TV stations. Any tips on how to take that first step or how to make contact in a professional way?
Rachel Kent
Just phone and introduce yourself. Most people are nice and the worst they can do is say no. π Email can work too but it’s easy to ignore.
Heather Day Gilbert
Rachel, great post, as usual. I’m at the point where I’m wondering WHEN endorsers come into the picture? I already have a list of potential influencers, a couple of which might also be great endorsers (write in same genre). My question is: at what point in the submission process (for a debut author) do you need to get your book out to potential endorsers for blurbs? I know this is off-topic a bit, but it’s just something I’ve been pondering recently.
And my dream endorser is Michelle Griep–she wrote a kickin’ Viking historical, so she totally gets my Viking vibes!
Rachel Kent
After you get a contract with a publisher the marketing department will likely ask you for your influencer list and they’ll send out the books.
Judy Gann
Along with bookstore owners, consider adding a few public librarians to your influencer lists.
Karen Barnett
Hey Judy, I’m adding you to my list of potential influencers for “someday.” π
Judy Gann
Karen, I’ve already read a bit of one of your future books. I think “someday” will be here sooner than you think. π
Jill Kemerer
Ooo, good tip, Judy!!
Rachel Kent
Great idea!
Jenni Brummett
Rachel, this is fantastic information, especially since I’m traveling to the location of my WIP next year.
Touching base with librarians and museum docents in Key West will be invaluable for future connections when a group of influencers become relevant.
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