Blogger: Etta Wilson
Location: Books & Such Nashville Office
Weather: 42 and dreary
Another impression from my recent foray into judging the writing of junior highers is the diminished racial identity and perception among young readers. Several entries were in response to Warriors Don’t Cry, an autobiography in which author Melba Beals describes her experiences when she was taking part in the integration of schools in Little Rock. A young student in a private school wrote about how foreign all that seemed in today’s world. (Some of student’s comments made me think they were written by an African American.) Other students wrote after reading Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. They also seemed a little surprised about the situation that had given rise to such words, and they forced me to realize how much has changed in 50 years or so.
It wasn’t just the changes in black/white culture that got my attention. There were entries from students with Chinese and other unpronounceable names. These kids live in Tennessee for heaven’s sake! What do they think this is–a melting pot? Seriously, I think it’s terrific that they are all reading and responding to books like Cynthia Lord’s Rules and Lois Lowry’s The Giver. Perhaps it’s in reading such books and getting to know their authors that the American ethos is built and passed on.
How would it feel to imagine you were writing for a Korean reader? A Somali reader? A Guatemalan reader? Are any of our characters, even the minor ones, newly arrived from South Africa or the Philippines? Do we need to consider at all racial origin and situations as we write? Something to think about here in the 21st century.
Samantha Bennett
I needed this reminder. Thanks!
I’ve always wondered how to address other races in fiction books. I have a partially done book that does take place back in the day when segregation existed. I am trying to put myself into their place. It is a difficult project because I am a white person writing it and trying to use the language (within reason) people used. Some say to call them black as they did in the day and some say to use their politically correct name, African-American. How do you address these issues while staying realistic to the time in which you are writing? The story premise is based on a developing friendship between a black person and a white person.
Etta Wilson
You’re right about the problem of know how to address other races in historical fiction. It’s a problem. I suggest you use the term that was in use at the time you are writing about. If the editor feels strongly, he or she can change. You might want to mention the problem in your submission letter.
Thank you! I had some of the same advice, but needed to hear it from someone who works with books. lol. I will make a note of this.
Interesting. I taught middle school English for seven years before I took a break and became a mama. Two of my most powerful units were on the Holocaust and the Civil Rights Movement using Roll of Thunder as our reading base.
The students found the information shocking, but they were very much aware of issues of race and of their own race and ethnic backgrounds. This might have been because in the school I taught there was a large Mexican-American population. They were able to share much about their experiences of racism toward them and their families.
I loved teaching this age of students because they were open and honest and not too jaded yet.
Another book that many of my students related too was The Outsiders. This book actually tackled class, which many of my students related too. I think we tolerate open discrimination against lower SES. Something to think about.
Writing for more than one cultural audience is an interesting idea. My current work-in-progress is Cold War historical fiction, and I expect it to be published in Russia as well as the U.S. So as I write, I try to keep the sensibilities and expectations of a Russian audience, as well as an American audience, in mind. That doesn’t guarantee that I’ll completely succeed in reaching both readerships. Still, I’m making an intentional effort to do so.
It makes for some interesting challenges, sometimes.
Janet Ann Collins
Nicole, that’s a difficult problem. The term, African-American, wasn’t used at all in those days. Neither was “Person of Color.” “Negro” was considered the polite term, as opposed to the other ‘N word’ and “Black Person” was okay but “Blackie” was insulting. Prejudiced white people used “N—r” all the time, but it would be hard to get a book published with that word in it today. Maybe reading some books written at the time, like “To Kill a Mockingbird,” would help you figure out what words to use.
Etta Wilson
Lucy, it’s good to hear that you’re writing with two nationalities in mind as the audience. More publishers are thinking up front as they make purchases about foreign rights for their books. No doubt, the Internet has had a role in this too.
Etta Wilson
Rebekah, I’m so glad you mentioned your experience with Mexican-American youngsters. I read they will soon be the largest minority in the U.S. We now have a lot of books with Hispanic characters and many picture books with Spanish on one page and English on another. It’s a changing world!