As a literary agent, I love seeing stacks of queries in my inbox. Like the other agents at Books & Such, I enjoy discovering unique book ideas, moving memoirs and fresh new voices. However, all literary agents must balance limited …
Query Guidelines
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
It’s been over 100˚for so many days even my brain feels hot. (Next few days? 104˚, 101˚, 100˚, 101˚, 100˚, 104˚, 106˚, 105˚.) In spite of sizzling summer I thought I’d tackle the question of queries again.…
A Subtle Technique
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
Once in a while I hear a scathing author criticism of his agent, “He just sat on my manuscript.” Most clients expect that when we receive their proposal we turn it around and get it right out. …
Confusing Feedback
Blogger: Wendy Lawton
The long-awaited letter arrives in that dual creased self-addressed, stamped envelope you remember tucking into the proposal and sample chapters you sent an agent many months ago. When your query resulted in an invitation to send that …