Blogger: Janet Kobobel Grant
Author Dies While Reading Edited Manuscript
Such a headline might well echo the feelings an author experiences when, much to his horror, he discovers his editor has–ahem–done some pretty creative work on the manuscript sent into the publishing house. The palpitating heart, the churning stomach, and the aching head that can accompany such a revelation leave the author wondering, What do I do now? Let’s explore options.
First let me say that most editors are conscientious about not violating an author’s creative efforts but instead strive to clarify and elucidate through the changes they make. And some authors have thick skins when it comes to the editing process and usually agree to what the editor thinks is best.
But what if, when you read your edited (or critiqued) manuscript, you’re confused by some changes, frustrated by others, and downright upset by still others? Your work has been minced, in your opinion.
I’ve been on both sides of this fence. I recall decades ago, as an editor, having a conversation with an author about changes I’d made in his manuscript. Our phone conversation began with his telling me the comma corrections I had made in the first sentence should not be made. I pointed out the sentence had been punctuated incorrectly. He didn’t believe me. I told him I would find the punctuation rule in a grammar book and send the reference to him. He still wasn’t convinced, and I decided we had better move on to the more substantial changes I had made in the manuscript.
Instead, he moved on to the second sentence of the manuscript, in which I had made another minor change. I explained the grammar rule that had been violated in his writing. Once again he was unimpressed.
That’s when I realized he was going to challenge every jot and tittle that had been edited. So I decided to bring a bit of reality into the situation. I asked, “Do you believe your manuscript is inerrant, perfect and without flaw?”
“Yes,” he replied. He was serious.
That book never was published because the author wouldn’t allow any changes in the manuscript. Or even consider the possibility that it could be improved.
I’ve also been on the other side of the fence, that of the author. When I received the edited manuscript for one of my books, I was so appalled by the severity of the edit that I crawled into bed and stayed there for two days. I couldn’t figure out how to approach the editor with such a long list of changes I disagreed with.
So what’s an author to do?
Know your rights.
How can you determine that? Most contracts specify what is appropriate for a publishing house to change. Here’s some typical wording: “The Publisher shall have the right to edit and revise the manuscript; provided, however, that such editing or revision shall not materially change the meaning, or materially alter the text of said Work without the Author’s consent. Editing to correct infelicities of expression, misstatements of fact, misquotations, errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, and editing to make the Work conform to the Publisher’s style of punctuation, capitalization, and like details shall not be considered materially changing the manuscript.”
Okay, so we have guidelines as to what is an appropriate change and what isn’t. The author who didn’t think I should change the punctuation and grammatical errors in his manuscript was operating outside the boundaries he had agreed to when he signed the contract.
On the other hand, the editor of my manuscript had added several examples from her life to my manuscript to illustrate points. If I didn’t agree to those additions, I contractually had a right to say I wanted them removed.
Take each change seriously–it probably indicates a problem.
What did I do? I remembered what I, in my role as an editor, had often told authors who questioned why I had made a certain change. “I made the change for a reason. If you don’t like the way I changed it, let’s talk about why I made it. I’m very open to seeing an alternate way to solve the problem I found.”
Find a win-win solution.
In that spirit, I went to work on reinstating my sense that this was my manuscript and talking with the editor about how to make the manuscript all it could be. It turned out to be a win-win situation. And I didn’t die from the malady called “the editing process.”
How do you decide when to speak up about editing (or critiquing) on your work? Have you found techniques that work better than others?
What to do if your manuscript was over-edited. Click to tweet.
Was your manuscript over-edited? What to do about it. Click to tweet.
Image courtesy of Paul at
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
“Look what they done to my song, Ma,
look what they done to my song!
Well, it’s the only thing
that I could do half-right,
and it’s turning out all wrong, Ma,
look what they done to my song!”
* Janet, you’ve raised an interesting topic. I’ll be following – I hope – to be able to see what others say.
* My feeling is that when a publisher buys in they can pretty well do what they like, with one exception – they can’t dial down the religiosity.
* I mean, after all, it;s the publisher who’s taking the risk, and I have to assume that they know their market and know what changes are needed to maintain an in-house internal consistency. I certainly do not know these things.
* And, to be blunt, once I’ve finished one manuscript I am moving on to other things. My books are not my ‘paper children’. I’d never go through a nit-picky sentence-by-sentence contrempts with an editor. I’d rather just scan and say, “Cool, dude, whatever,” and concentrate on the next WIP.
* And isn’t it quite pathetic that I have lyrics that I have not heard since the early 70s memorized? (For those who don’t remember or weren’t born yet, the song’s about Jim Morrison, lead singer for The Doors, and was written as a tribute after his early death. The Doors were a rock group popular in the late 60s, and are perhaps best known for “Light My Fire”, and for the use of “The End” in the opening scenes of Francis Ford Coppola’s film “Apocalypse Now”. And here, mercifully, endeth the lesson in 60s popular culture.)
Shirlee Abbott
“Look what they done.” And it comes back, tune and every word. Like it was yesterday. But the new health care regulations I just studied for work . . . gone!
Jackie Layton
Hi Andrew,
I remember that song, and it’s going to be playing in my head all day.
Take care!
Shelli Littleton
I don’t remember that song, Andrew, but have you heard “Stressed Out” …
*I wish I found some better sounds no one’s ever heard,
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words,
I wish I found some chords in an order that is new,
I wish I didn’t have to rhyme every time I sang,
I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,
But now I’m insecure and I care what people think.
My name’s ‘Blurryface’ and I care what you think.
My name’s ‘Blurryface’ and I care what you think.
*When it says “I wish I didn’t have to rhyme every time I sang” … I laugh. I can’t help it.
Sarah Bennett
Tyler Joseph’s song lyrics are profound and that line is one of my favorites.
Lara Hosselton
Andrew, I loved The Doors. They were part of the music that helped me survive my teenage years, and they still have a huge cult following.
MacKenzie Willman
How would I respond to editing? (I’m deliberately leaving critiquing out, as unless it’s done by an editor in the know…. then same answer applies.)
Oh please.
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
I remember the very first edit I actually paid for. Probably in the early spring of 2012.
The editor was very sweet, and edited more than the few pages I’d paid for. Her explanation?
And I quote “…I just couldn’t help myself”.
At the time, I truly and honestly believed, seriously, I did, that I was THAT GOOD that she just had to keep going and rea dmy brilliance!!
Now I realize that she was just so sickened by the hot mess in front of her that she was trying to save me from further humiliation in case someone else saw what I’d written and broke out in hives or ended up in a trauma ward at a grammar hospital.
Janet Grant
Jennifer, I doubt your explanation for her inability to stop is accurate. As an editor, trust me, if it’s a hot mess, I’m worn out after a few pages and would never do more than I said I would. But if it’s close to where it needs to be, then I can’t stop myself because it’s fun.
Shelli Littleton
Editing is fun 🙂
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
You’re too kind, Janet.
Shirlee Abbott
Someone critiquing my work makes a correction that, in my opinion, misses the mark. And I suddenly realize that my original work missed the mark. It can (and likely will) be misunderstood. It can be read in a different tone than I’m thinking, or the words also carry another meaning. The suggestion offered may change a couple words when the right fix reworks the whole paragraph.
*Thank you, Janet, for the hope for “an alternate way to solve the problem.”
Janet Grant
Shirlee, you’re so right that the editor might fix one aspect of the problem, but often an editor is pointing out to the writer what the problem is. No one can fix it better than the writer.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Parenthetical to over-editing is this anecdote from Robert Mikesh, once curator of the national Air and Space Museum.
* NASM has in its collection a Lockheed Vega, one of the most graceful aeroplanes of the early 1930s. Its shape is just right; the proof of beauty follows form follows function.
* NASM aeroplanes are supposed to be restored to their original condition (and in the 30s it was ‘rough’)…but the Vega attracted the ardor of a new hire who kept sneaking back, polish and rag in hand, to shine ‘er up just a bit more. Eventually Mikesh had to step in with a threat of “You’re fired!”; not only did the youngster’s efforts go counter to NASM’s mission, but he was burning time that needed to go to other projects.
* And the morning after the lecture, what did Mr., Mikesh see? No prizes here.
* And no one was fired. But the Turtle Wax went under lock and key.
Janet Grant
Zeal can be misplaced in both restorations and editing.
Tisha Martin
Insightful post. Before I ever started college toward a writing degree, I determined that teachers and editors knew much more than I. I made a firm decision to accept any changes to my writing, provided the change bettered my story, and of course, it did. Now, as I am working as an editor, operate a critique group, and have my own editor, I am so thankful that the Lord worked that selfless attitude in me concerning my writing. Surely makes all the difference. And yes, I still ask questions sometimes. 🙂
Richard Mabry
Janet, I’ve had editors who “got me” and (I believe) tried to maintain what I was trying to say while getting me to say it more clearly or accurately. Then I’ve had one or two who wanted to rewrite my book in their own style and image.
The first time I encountered the latter situation, I was ready to give up–but I talked with my agent, who assured me that it was my name that would appear on the cover, not the editor’s. Now I accept changes made for clarity or to correct grammar errors, I rewrite sections that don’t seem clear to the editor, but I don’t hesitate to say, “No” if I don’t want the change made. I only choose this last course when I have to, but I now know it’s my right.
Thanks for this post.
Janet Grant
Richard, your comment brings up the sad truth that not everyone who wears an editor’s hat thinks like an editor. Sometimes an individual who longs to be the author ended up in an editing job. These are the people who savage manuscripts as they try to reshape them into what they would have written if their names were on the cover. And these are the people an author must never respond to with compliance.
Jackie Layton
Hi Janet,
Because I took so many science classes in high school and college, I now try to absorb every bit of knowledge I can on my quest to publication. I’ve been in critique groups and paid for my first professional edit this year. When I first began submitting my writing to others, I lost my voice. Since then I’ve tried to weigh every comment and decide how to implement it without losing my voice. I’ve had my feelings hurt more than once by contest judges and others. Sometimes I stick to my guns. But mostly I appreciate my crit partners, contest judges, and paid editors.
Great post!
Janet Grant
When your voice gets lost, then you know the critiques/edits have gone too far. The trick is to figure out what about the manuscript led to the changes, not how the changes were made.
Jackie Layton
What led to the changes. I’m trying to figure that out. Like a situation seems contrived? Or not suspenseful enough? Or the manuscript lacks emotion?
Sarah Thomas
I’m very blessed to have disagreed with my editor only twice. Once was when he suggested that families wouldn’t have still been churning butter in 1970s WV (which they did and they do!). The other was when he didn’t know what a bed jacket was. So I sent him a link to order one. We kept the butter and the bed jacket.
The vast majority of the time I know my editors only want to make my book as good as possible. And honestly? They have some pretty wonderful insights that DO make the story better.
Shelli Littleton
Yes, my grandmother churned butter in the 70s. 🙂 She let me help. Sweet memories.
Shelli Littleton
I had a very sweet author critique my work at ACFW last year. And I completely agreed with all the changes she made. Funny though, I found myself trying to explain to her why I had done what I’d done. “I didn’t want to be cliche,” etc … and then I mentally slapped myself and reminded myself I was wasting my time with her. She didn’t need to know. “I” needed to know. Anyway, she had me giggling through the whole thing, and I’ll always cherish her and that time.
*We’ve got to be willing to take professional advice–trust. It’s hard, but it’s part of this process.
*Janet, as an agent, do you review (double-check) editors’ recommendations of your clients’ works?
Janet Grant
Shelli, you’re so right that when someone offers ways to improve a manuscript, the writer wants to explain why it is the way it is. That’s generally an unproductive path to venture down. It only makes sense if you’re brainstorming how to fix a problem.
As an agent, I step into the editing process only if my client alerts me that it’s not going well. Generally my contributions aren’t needed.
Richard Mabry
At my first writing conference, I was fortunate enough to be in the mentoring group taught by Gayle Roper. When it was time to discuss our work, each author had to sit quietly, biting their tongue and not explaining. As Gayle told us, we weren’t going to be there when they read it, so it they didn’t understand what or why, we needed to change that. Great advice.
Jackie Layton
Wow, that is great advice. Thanks for sharing!
Shelli Littleton
That’s so true, Richard. Thank you.
Lara Hosselton
If a writer has their head in the clouds, heart on their sleeve and opinion set in stone, they’re in the wrong business.
*Most of the critiquing/editing advice I’ve received has been very helpful. It was often immediately obvious to me that I did indeed need to make changes, other times I had to step back and think on it. Was my idea really wrong, or just expressed in the wrong way? Sometimes I’ve gone “with my gut” and left things unchanged.
*I think receiving a negative critique is like having someone say your baby is ugly. Yikes! It takes a bit to get past that initial disappointment, but you finally do.
Sally Bradley
The first time I worked with an editor–a good editor, by the way–she marked a section as not working and then gave suggestions on how to fix it.
But her suggestions were comedic! Something that would have fit a romantic comedy. My book was women’s fiction. Angst. Drama.
Thankfully I realized after a few minutes that while her suggestions for fixing it were waaaay off base, she was right that there was a problem in that spot. She was just very wrong on what I should do to fix it. (Content edit, not copy edit.) So I’ve tried to remember that scenario when I did my own editing for clients.
As an indie author, I do have the final say on what changes I accept. This is both a good and bad thing, lol, because if I reject a change in a copy edit, I better know why. Sometimes it’s preference or style issues where my editor and I disagree, but overall, if she adds a comma, tells me I’m unclear, I listen. I’m seeing it with very biased eyes, and I need her clear gaze.
Unfortunately this makes it very hard too for those who’ve edited an indie author because they have no say in what gets into that final, published manuscript. None! I remember working with a client on a content edit that needed a ton of work. Gave her all my feedback, some suggestions, etc. Then months later she came back for a copy edit. I remember reading through the manuscript (which was supposed to have been revised) and feeling like she’d ignored just about everything I’d said. Scary. I sure didn’t want my name associated with that manuscript.
Anyway, good post, Janet! Editing in today’s world is a big job, a tough job. So far I’ve enjoyed being on the receiving end of edits. For me, it’s the whole cover process that’s the most stressful!
Janet Grant
Sally, you make a good point that someone might have paid you for an edit, but the self-pubbed author can ignore all of your work. That would be incredibly frustrating.
Kristen Joy Wilks
Ha! This makes me think of my critique partner and I. Yes, my goal is the point out places her ms. needs to change, but my other goal is to make her laugh when I point them out. So yeah, I might suggest funny changes and ramble on about all the wild things she could insert in that section. But I know that she will see that the section needs work, laugh at my suggestions, and come up with what works in her own voice. You just made me realize that I probably shouldn’t do this with someone I don’t know very well. They might end up with a very interesting ms.
Jenny R
Good post. At first I thought it was going to be about an author who died because she took too long with her manuscript … meaning, she wrote, revised, had it edited, tweaked, and kept fiddling with it until death, so her manuscript never saw the light of day. Sometimes I wonder if that will be me!
Lara Hosselton
Haha, I did as well, Jenny. It could happen!
Janet Grant
That would be a whole different kind of death, wouldn’t it?
I wrote for the joy of placing creativity on paper over the years. When I decided I wanted to preserve my writing for my kids in the future to have and to not waste the time given to me to be used for God, encourage others possibly or bless the with something to enjoy, I started the long process of how to publish a fiction novel series. Needless to say my eyes were not opened wide at first. There is so much the beginner does not know, terminology “and such.” My experience in the beginning was like walking solo looking for answers in an effort to understand what I needed to ask. Yep I didn’t know what to ask. Didn’t know so many rules existed in writing fiction. I also didn’t know the terminology. The first time someone edited my writing I wasn’t offended. I was confused. Usually that’s where I have stayed LOL not mad not offended but continually learning and relearning. needed to read up on what a POV is, a filter word was or what is passive writing, and how to write dialogue punctuation. I started seeing what others were trying to explain, then I could start my editing journey. I welcome any and all comments of others who take their time, they could be using elsewhere, to look at any or all of the sentences I have written. Nothing is too far set in stone it cannot be changed. There are some things written dear to the heart that are harder to nix. But yes if published I do agree there is so much on the line for publishers in their investments in an author and the author needs to be aware of all they are being blessed with in the time and privilege of being considered. I don’t sweat the small stuff,life is too short, and yes the bigger lines that are drawn. I think can be handled in a manner pleasing for both parties. I believe the publisher does have the authors best interest at heart, as well as their own. From what I have read it usually does come down to demand and the public readers, no matter how good the writing is. So yes, take all the help I can get. I appreciate the honesty of the blogs I have read here. There is no sweeping under the rug what is expected and what the reality is for Authors seeking to write to be published. Each step and action in the public matters. When I get overwhelmed I remember the advice someone gave me. “Learn 10% and then go and learn the next 10%.
HA! Didn’t edit the above post and it’s driving you crazy huh? LOL Yep double words and missing words “and such.” Really need an edit button in here.
Janet Grant
The good news is that everything you wrote made sense!
Tracy Crump
I think you’ve made a good point that there’s a difference between editing and rewriting. I learned to appreciate editing/critiquing at the first conference I attended. I’ve been part of a critique group ever since.
But I did have an editor completely rewrite my work one time—on a set of devotionals, of all things. By the time she finished, one was no longer true (it involved a family experience), and the others were full of grammatical errors that were not in the originals. They were just 150-word devos. If she wanted that much change, I don’t know why she didn’t just write them herself. Sounds like that wannabe author you mentioned who ended up as an editor.
Janet Grant
Tracy, she either wanted to be a writer or she had a very specific tone/format she wanted for the devotions but wasn’t good at communicating what she had envisioned.
Tracy Crump
Maybe so, but this wasn’t the first set of devotionals I had done for this publication, just the first set edited by this particular editor.
Janet Grant
Ah. Yup, sounds like a writer wannabe.
Janet Ann Collins
I once wrote an article for a magazine and the editor changed so much it made different point and didn’t even sound like I had written it. I’ll never write for them again.
Janet Grant
But I bet the editor thought the final article was great.