Blogger: Wendy Lawton
We’re getting close to Valentines Day– the day we are all required to obsess about love. In honor of the upcoming cupid’s day I thought I’d dust off a blog post I wrote about five years ago where I came clean about the writers we love.
One of the most uncomfortable moments on an agent panel at a writer’s conference comes when someone raises a hand to ask, “What is the most exciting project (or client) you’ve worked with this year?” Watch the eyes of each agent as he nervously scans the audience for clients.
Chances are most will wimp out with something like, “All the projects (clients) I’ve worked with have been satisfying. I don’t think I can pick just one.” Yeah, right. It’s like your mom dodging the question, “Who do you love more, Mom, me or Jimmy?”
Our clients know we represent more than one author—that’s no surprise. But I’m going to come clean and tell you whom we love the most. Brace yourself. . .
We love the bestselling author. Having bestsellers in the client mix is good for everyone. A bestseller with the kind of numbers that guarantee success makes our life easy. We don’t have to work to get the sale, although we may have to work a lot harder to manage the complexities of multiple offers. But being in the same agency with bestsellers is good for the other authors as well. It’s a subtle thing, but your agent will leverage her “strongest assets” to get lesser known authors noticed as well. ‘Nuff said.
We love the up-and-comers. Nothing is more fun than working with someone whose career is on an upward trajectory. You keep watching this client like a mother hen eyes its plucky little chick—and you pray that the sky’s the limit. These authors are proof positive that our gut instinct is spot on.
We love the mid-listers. These are the writers who don’t seem to be going up fast, but they sell well enough to keep obtaining contracts. Sometimes these are the writers who write with extraordinary literary skill—we are so proud of their work. We look forward to when they turn in a manuscript because we know we’re going to fall in love all over again.
We love those in career crisis. Just because the contracts aren’t coming and the career seems stalled, don’t assume a writer is the agent’s step-child. Had your agent not believed in your writing skills, he never would have offered representation. This writer represents a challenge, and there’s not an agent around who doesn’t love a challenge. Like when somebody told Grandma Moses that, at 80, she was too old to paint. Or when Albert Einstein flunked algebra. We love those in crisis because we still believe we can make a difference for them.
We love those newcomers. Writers obsess over the Catch 22 of writing—you can’t sell a book without an agent/you can’t get an agent if you’re unpublished. I’ve previously exploded that myth as pure poppycock, but let me go one step further. Nothing swells the chest of an agent more than a stunning debut book. If our business is to have a vital future, we need to keep infusing our client mix with fresh talent. And nothing is more gratifying than to discover new talent.
So that brings me full circle. An agent handpicks his list and does it with real care and deliberation. Who does she love? Each client for reasons that are unique to him/her. With my own list, I’m not only crazy about each individual author, but I’m also proud of the mix.
If you were an agent, which kind of client would most appeal to you?
Who does your agent love best of all? Click to Tweet
An agent dishes about her favorite type of writer. Click to Tweet
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
What a lovely post, bringing light to an otherwise dark 0230.
I think my choice would be The Anachronism – the writer whose genre is contemporary, yet whose voice is a bit archaic. (I’m looking for a nice way to say ‘obsolete’.)
An example that comes to mind is Michael Malone, whose “Handling Sin”, published in the late 1980s, reads like a picaresque novel of a completely different, and gentler era.
It might also be said that one’s choice, in answering this question, might subconsciously reflect one’s perception of one’s own style.
Wendy Lawton
And if you were the agent for that anachronistic writer all you’d have to do is find the publisher who also loves that genre/voice.
Shirlee Abbott
Let me describe a short season in our parenting journey: son #1 qualified for a full military scholarship to any college with an ROTC program, and son #2 was at risk of dropping out of school. Son #1 wailed, “He’s getting all the attention, you don’t care about me.” We responded, “You are choosing among options that are all good, and you’ve proven your good judgment. It’s not that we don’t love you; it is that we trust you.”
The child who appears to be most loved is the child who most needs a parent at that moment. Perhaps the same is true of clients and agents?
Note: I took a day off work to visit the most likely college with son #1. He signed on and ultimately got both an engineering degree and a lovely wife. Good choice indeed!
Sondra Kraak
Shirley, as a parent of two young children, I’m going to file this story away to remember! You words to son 1 were very articulate. My favorite parenting book, Grace-Based Parenting (Tim Kimmel), talks about our children needing three main things, one of which is a secure love. When my eight-year old says I love my five-year old more, I know what she’s really needing is assurance of my love. She’s not truly blaming me. Love is so tangible to them at that age. They need to see it, feel it, sense it through our actions and words.
Jeanne Takenaka
Oh, I have that book, but I haven’t read it yet. Thanks for mentioning it, Sondra! My guys go through times where one needs a whole lot more of me than the other does. But I love them both as much as I can.
And SHIRLEE, I loved your response too. I’m filing it away for when I need it. 🙂
Sondra Kraak
Jeanne, I absolutely love that book and have found it so freeing. I need to reread it. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by other parenting books because I can’t measure up and I see my failures, but Grace-Based reminds me that there is so much grace in parenting styles and focusing on the simple foundations of Gospel love is all our children need. You’ll have to let me know how you like it.
Shelli Littleton
You know, you are right in that kids may be a lot like writers … people feel loved in different ways. While some need words of affirmation, others just need to have time spent with them. You have to know your kids, writers, friends, etc. … know how to love them.
Jeanne Takenaka
Okay, it will be the next parenting book I read. I’ll let you know, Sondra. 🙂 I’m glad I already own it. No more excuses to put off reading it. 😉
Shelli Littleton
That’s sweet, Shirlee. The girls were just watching a Leave it to Beaver episode, where Beaver felt his parents loved Wally more. The reason? An outsider encouraged the thought. We have to be careful who we listen to … focus on truth. You bless me.
Sondra Kraak
*Shirlee* I spelled your name wrong. Sorry. I like the double ee, but it’s not common!
Shirlee Abbott
Not to worry, Sondra. The only time it bothered me was when it was incorrect on the deed to our house, and the mortgage company insisted that I sign all the re-fi paperwork with the incorrect name. Had to pay extra to get it made right (sigh). Those who know me in person and on FB call me Lee.
Meghan Carver
Wonderful, Shirlee. Thank you for your story. I’m storing away your response for when I need it someday. 🙂
Wendy Lawton
Wise words, Shirlee– both for the parent and the agent to remember.
Shelli Littleton
This is beautiful, Wendy. And you must know … this makes me work so hard.
Blessed by you.
Wendy Lawton
Thanks, Shelli.
Sondra Kraak
Wendy, if I were an agent (heaven help me, I’d be terrible!) I’d love the clients who dug in deep and weren’t afraid of criticism and hard work. And hopefully that would be all of my clients! In the few years I’ve been writing fiction, most of the writers I’ve been involved with in critique groups have been humble, eager to learn and share learning with others. Only a few have taken offense to any suggestion for change. I hope I can always be one who isn’t afraid to work hard, toss out the old and unworking, and embrace the advice of those who know more than me.
Wendy Lawton
I know few people who work as hard as writers to hone their craft and knowledge of the industry. Can you imagine what would happen in other fields if workers worked like writers?
Jeanne Takenaka
Wendy, your perspective here . . . I love it. The thought that you need authors at all stages as clients encourages me.
As a one-time teacher, I sometimes had parents who accused me of not liking their kids. That was always hard, because I never had a student I didn’t like. Conveying that and communicating with the parents was sometimes tricky.
It must be reassuring for your clients to know you handpicked each of them, and that you value each one of them for their uniqueness.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
I used to teach as well, and there were students I didn’t like.
These were the ones who challenged me to be better than I thought I could be.
Both as a professional, and as a person.
Or should that be meaningless distinction?
Jeanne Takenaka
One thing to remember, Andrew, is that my students were all under the age of 12. 🙂 There were students who got on my nerves on occasion, but I was always sorry to see them go at the end of the year. Those students who were more difficult did challenge me to grow as a teacher and as a person.
Now, if I was to tell you that about all the parents . . . ? Then I might be lying. 😉
Wendy Lawton
This job would not be half as much fun if all my clients were at the same place in their careers.
Shelli Littleton
This is going to sound awful on such a sweet post … and I really have no idea about the answer … do you ever have to let writers go? Release them? Their work isn’t working for you, etc. I’ve been curious about this. I would think it would parallel with any job … if you are producing good, you get promotions, etc. If you aren’t producing good, you may be let go.
Jenni Brummett
Great question, Shelli.
Wendy Lawton
I have, Shelli. When I’ve done everything I can figure out to do and we can’t seem to make anything happen, I let them go, hoping another agent may be able to leverage his or her connections to place the author’s work. The worst part of any agent’s job but it keeps us humble.
Shelli Littleton
I understand that.
Richard Mabry
Wendy, it’s the right thing to do, and something I’d expect from you and your colleagues. Early in my writing career, another agent let me go, saying, “I just don’t know what to do with you, Richard.” We parted friends, another agent (your colleague) believed in me, and thus far we’ve cooperated for seven novels, with three more contracted. Sometimes letting go is a good thing. Thanks for sharing this.
Meghan Carver
We all just want to belong, don’t we? Wonderfully said, Wendy. Thank you for making sure all are included. Great encouragement today!
Shelli Littleton
I’ve got an off topic question. On my current, basically completed Women’s Fiction WIP (I’ve typed “the end” … glory!), my word count is right at 70K. I know it could be a short novel. But I suspect most novels should be 75K. I’m in between. I could add a chapter, but I don’t see how that could move my story forward. I need to go through and add more descriptions, which will up my count some. Any advice? I’m writing tighter, so I really can’t cut. I know this shows my lack of expertise, but I’m learning.
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Wendy, I have this question as well. I have a WIP that is stuck at 65k.
If it were leaner, it would be telegraphic. The only way to bring it up to 75k or so would be to add a subplot, or long descriptive prose, which would be antithetical to the story.
So I would LOVE to hear your take on this!
Shelli Littleton
Thank you, Andrew, for adding to this. I did add a sub-plot … but it’s not a lengthy one. However, I’m going back through, line by line, and I’ll probably lengthen it. I just needed to get it in place first.
Kristen Joy Wilks
Ha ha…I am always writing too long. That would be a great problem to have. I love “Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook” and in it he has several fun ideas for adding length. Subplots and story threads and one of my favorites was to give the same thematic problem to different characters but in different ways, maybe even the opposite problem as what your protagonist has, but it would still shed light onto your protagonists thematic or spiritual issue. Not sure if this is helpful…it’s just fun to give advice. Take it with a grain of salt…or a barrel.
Shelli Littleton
OOOH, Kristen … you’ve given me some things to think on!! 🙂 Thank you.
Wendy Lawton
Your manuscript length is the appropriate length for a category romance– like Love Inspired– but not long enough for a stand alone novel. Most publishers want to see 80,000 – 85,000 words.
Making a book longer is not a matter of just adding descriptions. That kind of padding usually shows. It is much more complex and a short word count like that usually indicates the story is laking complexity. (Not always.) Writers often weave in a secondary plot line– no small task.
Because that is a complicated craft issue with any number of possible answers you might want to ask the question on the ACFW loop and see what other writers do.
Shelli Littleton
Thank you, Wendy. 🙂
Jennifer Zarifeh Major
Poor Jimmy, if he was in my house, he’d KNOW I was the favourite, I mean, it’s SO obvious.
Imagine, if you will, how my brother felt when my mom took *me* on a 12 day cruise through the Mediterranean. Just me. Me and my Ellie May Clampett etiquette.
“Mom! Look!! CUTLERY!”
Long story, but my brother knew that he would have driven her insane.
You see, *I* am the sane child.
Now think about THAT. 😉
Then take a moment to pray for my agent.
Which client would most appeal to me? Like Sondra said, the client who dug in, who embraced good advice from those who know more. If I work hard on a client’s career, I expect the client to do so as well.
AND people who understand the superiority of Canadian chocolate are always welcome to submit their work. 😀
Shelli Littleton
I’m imagining your brother’s response, and I’m laughing! 🙂
Jenni Brummett
Wendy, I had a hard time wiping the grin off my face while I read your post. Thank you for blessing and encouraging each of us in whatever publishing season we’re in.
If I was an agent, I would love to partner with an author who not only had big ideas, but was able to follow through on them. Possessed of the ability to laugh at themselves and learn from their mistakes. Someone with a unique and winsome way of connecting with their readers.
Wendy Lawton
Absolutely. High concept ideas and the ability to pull them off.
Kristen Joy Wilks
My favorite authors are the ones that make me talk to the book. You know when something happens and you shake your fist at the pages/screen and talk back. I also like the authors that make me weep…but only if they are also able to make me laugh.
Shelli Littleton
I love that, Kristen. Yes, my favorite authors are ones who have me laughing one minute, and crying the next. That’s the kind of writer I desire to be. 🙂
Jeanne Takenaka
I love this, Kristen. I love an author who makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me dream about the story. 🙂
Jenni Brummett
I appreciate authors who give me a glimpse into a lesser known place or time in history. Who make me want to research and unearth even more details about what they’ve introduced me to.
Wendy Lawton
Yep. Me too.
If I were an agent the client that would appeal to me would be a hard working client who is serious about their writings but does not take themselves too seriously where they lose all perspective and believe they are God’s gift to writing. You got to be able to laugh at yourself.
Wendy Lawton
Yes. And those are the ones who have something worthwhile to say.
Cheryl Malandrinos
What an inspiring post, Wendy. In some ways, this is like my critique group: we are all at different stages of our journey, but we each bring different strengths that make us excellent critique partners.
If I were an agent–have often desired to be one–I would hope to have a healthy mix of clients, but all dedicated to works that honor Him.
Shelli Littleton
“Honor Him” … amen, Cheryl.
Wendy Lawton
Exactly, Cheryl.
Jeanette Hanscome
This is so encouraging, Wendy! Thank you! I’m sure I’m not the only person who got a bit teary while ready this (teary in a good way) and said, “Aw, I needed this today.”
Wendy Lawton
Thanks, Jeanette.
Lovely. Just lovely. To believe that each author is honoured for who they are and for what they are or bring in any given moment is a comfort for an aspiring writer. As always, I love the support offered here.
Lize Kreuser
Thank you, Wendy, for this lovely and encouraging post! I would pick the client(s) whose work I believed would stand the test of time; those who were born to write, but who also polished their gift (with maybe a little help from me) until their words shone and lingered with the reader. Work with resonance for the human condition.
Kim Blair
Very nice article. I am one of those new comers and having a very difficult time finding an agent to take my story on. It is a story about finding love after the death of a husband . Kate find here self trying to run a business by herself and the furthest thing from her mind is finding love yet she does where she least expects it.
Kim Blair
Lovely article and very informative. I am a new comer with a completed manuscript about a woman who finds love after the death of her husband of 15 years
Jami Balmet
Love this Wendy! It’s encouraging to hear how you view us at each stage in our career 🙂 Very motivating!
Aw, what a sweet post, Wendy! And so reflects your heart…what a blessing you are to your clients and all who know you.
I think if I were an agent (though I don’t think I could possibly juggle all you wonderful agents do–and so gracefully at that!), I would love finding an author whose stories just swept me away. At least, I love finding those authors as a reader. 🙂 And those who, just as importantly, had a humble and teachable heart.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Just realized I have a bit of singular/plural issues going on in that post…sigh. Sorry, writer friends. Guess I’d better go to bed! 🙂
Janet Ann Collins
One of my college psychology professors said, “When the happiness and well-being of another is essential to one’s own happiness and well-being a state of love exists.” By that definition loving your clients must be a job requirement for agents.
Susan Jennings
Thank you for such an encouraging article.